The purpose of the activity is to ensure the implementation of the University's educational goals of quality education on the basis of academic integrity, competitiveness, innovation and initiative.
Areas of activity:
- methodological and advisory support for the system of internal quality assurance of higher education in terms of teaching and learning support;
- implementation of the concept of educational activities of the University, decisions of the Academic Council, administration, orders and instructions on educational and methodological support at all levels of higher education;
- organising and conducting scientific and methodological events at the University;
- methodological, documentary and organisational support for the design, development and monitoring of educational programmes and curricula, their examination for compliance with the law; taking into account the departmental affiliation of the University;
- organisational and documentary support for amendments to educational programmes and curricula;
- monitoring of the organisation of educational and methodological work of the University's departments;
- methodological support for licensing and accreditation of educational programmes in terms of the department's competences;.
- organisational and documentary support for the formation of guarantors and support groups for educational programmes;
- development of curricula for all levels of education in the "ASU - University Management" system;
- creation of computer databases of curricula and methodological support;
- scientific and methodological support of student-centred learning, teaching and assessment, in particular: monitoring the formation of individual educational trajectories of higher education students, the catalogue of elective courses;
- organisational, methodological and documentary support for the development of methodological support;
- summarising the results, analysing and disseminating innovative practices of methodological work;
- organisational and documentary support for the activities of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the STU;
- monitoring, consulting and controlling the planning and implementation of open classes;
- monitoring the provision of educational and methodological literature, organising the review of educational and methodological literature;
- providing methodological assistance in the professional development of academic staff; monitoring the implementation of promotion plans.

Iryna Kachur Head of the educational and methodological Department, PhD in Biology, Associate Professor