On 28.11.2024, an international guest lecture on “The Impact of Military Events on the Psychophysiological State of High-Level Athletes”.
Despite the challenges of today, the State Tax University traditionally held the 15th International Scientific and Practical Conference on the topical issues of fiscal policy transformation in the conditions European integration processes.
November 8-9, 2024 in the city of Vilnius (Lithuania), an international conference was held within the walls of the European Humanities University (EHU) on the topic: «Third Mission of EHU», the partner of which was the State Tax University.
Daniel Calingaert is the Managing Director of the Open Society University Network and Dean of Global Programs at Bard College.
"Guest lecture on the legal system and legal education in Malaysia at the State Taxation University"
On 31 October 2024, the State Taxation University hosted a guest lecture on "Review of the Legal System and Legal Education in Malaysia" by Muhammad Nazrul bin Abd Rani, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Utara (Malaysia).
Міжнародна гостьова журналістки, редакторки, фахівчині з комунікацій максимально предметно націлила присутніх на діяльнісний підхід у професійній сфері.