The Academy of the State Tax Service of Ukraine was established by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 2346 dated 21 December 1999.
Thus, gradually, the technical school - college - institute - academy became a unique educational institution in Ukraine. The Academy was headed by P. Melnyk. During its existence, the institution has trained about 60 thousand specialists. The Academy was granted national status, which increased its prestige among the educational community.
The scientific work of the Academy included 2 main areas: university science and research in the Research Centre.
In 2000, according to the decision of the Certification Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, a permanent postgraduate programme was opened, and in 2006, a doctoral programme.
2001 - Research Institute of Financial Law. 2003 - Faculty of Economics and Taxation.
In 2005, the Centre for Retraining and Advanced Training of Personnel for the State Tax Service of Ukraine was transformed into the Institute of Postgraduate Education.
When Ukraine signed the Bologna Declaration, the National Academy of the State Tax Service of Ukraine began the process of integration into the European and global space. The main objective of the structural reform is to ensure the mobility, employability and competitiveness of young professionals. In 2005, the employment rate of graduates was 90%.
The institution pays great attention to educational work: hobby clubs, the university historical museum, the student parliament, sports, the Suzirya Cultural and Art Centre, the academy's TV studio are being developed, and the Church of St Nicholas is under construction.
In 2001, the Academy established the Research Institute of Financial Law, whose main goal was to organise and conduct applied research in the field of financial law and develop scientifically sound recommendations for the implementation of a unified state tax policy. As a rule, such research is carried out by the Institute at the request of the State Tax Administration of Ukraine.