Scientific activity
The scientific research at the University is conducted by the departments of faculties/educational-scientific institutes, whose main task is to develop applied research in the field of finance, reform the tax system, explore pathways for developing budgetary and tax policy under modern conditions, and enhance the educational process, prepare highly qualified specialists, and foster the creative abilities of students. To achieve these goals, the University’s structural units collaborate with the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and its subordinate central executive bodies, combining theoretical insights with practical experience.
The university science operates successfully, represented by the activities of departments - primary educational-scientific units that ensure the educational process in relevant specialties. The scientific activities of academic staff focus on researching tax issues, developing budgetary and tax policies under modern conditions, and improving the educational process.
To provide scientific support for defined priority areas (as of September 2024), the efforts of academic staff from 20 university departments are executing 20 initiative research topics. To broaden involvement in scientific research, postgraduate and doctoral students register their research topics with the State Scientific Institution "Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information."
Postgraduate and doctoral students, as well as members of the University Student Scientific Society, are involved in the research of the departments, gaining experience in scientific work and continuing to apply their knowledge in their own research and educational processes.