Vice-rector for scientific work
Oleksandra Mykolaivna
Vice-rector for scientific work
Last name: Smirnova |
Surname: Smirnova |
Name and patronymic: Oleksandra Mykolaivna |
First Name: Oleksandra |
Academic degree: PhD in Economics |
Sci: PhD in Economics |
Academic title: Associate Professor, Senior Researcher |
Scientific Title: docent, senior research officer; |
Academic qualifications:
In 2003, she graduated from the Ternopil Academy of National Economy with a degree in Finance and a Bachelor's degree in Finance. In 2004, she graduated from the Ternopil Academy of National Economy with a degree in Finance and a Master's degree in Finance. In 2008, she defended her PhD thesis in the speciality 08.00.08 - Money, Finance and Credit on the topic "Financial Mechanism for Implementing Demographic Policy in Ukraine" and received a PhD degree in Economics. She was promoted to associate professor in 2013 and senior researcher in 2015.
Professional profile
- 02.2005 - 04.2008 - Senior State Auditor-Inspector of the Department of Inspections of Basic Sectors of the Economy of the Tax Audit Department of the State Tax Inspectorate.
- 04.2008 - 04.2013 - Associate Professor of the Department of Taxation and Taxation of the National University of the State Tax Service of Ukraine.
- 04.2013 - 07.2019 - Head of the Direct Taxation Research Department of the Research Centre for Taxation and Financial Law of the Fiscal Policy Research Institute.
- 07.2019 - 12.2019 - Head of the Information Exchange, Processing and Analysis Division of the Department of Database Monitoring and Verification of Payments of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.
- 12.2019 - 08.2020 - Head of the Cluster Analysis Department of the State Tax Service of Ukraine.
- 08.2020 - 02.2023 - Head of the Department for Monitoring of Activities and Interaction with the State Audit Service and the Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine,
- 02.2023 - 02.2024 - Academic Secretary of the State Tax University. Acting Vice-Rector for Research.
- In February 2024, she was appointed Vice-Rector for Research.
Research interests:
- Issues of tax administration in Ukraine and worldwide, tax consulting
Scientist's activity:
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Activity in social media: