Faculty of Taxation, Accounting and Audit
In connection with the reorganisation of the University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine into the State Tax University, the Faculty of Taxation, Accounting and Audit was established according to the new structure, which was put into effect on 04.12.2021.
The history of the Faculty dates back to 1961, when the Irpin Industrial College began to introduce economic specialities alongside technical ones. In 1967, the first group of students started their studies in Accounting. For a long time, accountants were trained at the Department of Plastics Processing and Accounting. In 1978, a separate planning and economic department was established to train economists and accountants. Thus, until 1993, junior specialists were trained in accounting.
The beginning of the 90s determined the rapid movement of the institution: college - institute - academy - university - national university. In accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 10 January 1996, the Ukrainian Institute of Finance and Economics was established on the basis of Irpin Industrial College, and with it the Faculty of Accounting and Economics and the Department of Accounting and Audit. From 1996 to May 2015, the Faculty of Accounting and Economics trained bachelors, specialists, and masters in Accounting and Auditing. In 2015, the Educational and Research Institute of Accounting, Analysis and Audit was established on the basis of the Faculty of Accounting and Economics, which operated until December 2021.
Today, the Faculty is a modern innovative educational and research centre that meets modern requirements and international standards of quality assurance in higher education and provides training in the specialities 071 "Accounting and Taxation", 072 "Finance, Banking and Insurance" and 051 "Economics".
The head of the faculty is Doctor of Economics, Professor Kraevskyi Volodymyr Mykolaiovych.
The faculty team keeps pace with the times and focuses on the modern labour market in training specialists. As a result of successful cooperation with the State Tax Service of Ukraine and the State Audit Service of Ukraine, students of the second (master's) level have the opportunity to study in a dual form, i.e. combine full-time study at the university and practical paid work.
In its structure, the Faculty integrates educational, research, and international activities of four departments:
- Department of Tax Administration;
- Department of Accounting and Auditing;
- Department of Economic Policy, Marketing, and Business Analytics;
- Department of Management and Business Administration.
The Faculty has two training laboratories: a training laboratory for tax consulting and a training laboratory for accounting and analytical support, which were established in December 2021.
We train specialists in the following educational and professional programmes:
- The first (bachelor's) degree programme is Accounting, Tax Audit and Business Analytics, Taxation in the State Control System, Business Economics, Economics and Business Organisation, Economy and Business. Professional Education and Training, Marketing and Business Analytics;
- The second (master's) degree programme is Accounting and Taxation in Business Management, State Audit; Forensic Economic Expertise in Financial Investigations, Management Accounting and Business Analytics, Tax Consulting, International Taxation, Fiscal Administration, City and Regional Economics, Business Process Management at an Enterprise, Economics and Project Management in Business;
- The third (educational and scientific) - Accounting and Taxation, Economics
We owe the successful work of the faculty over the years to the first Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Economics, Ela Sukhanova, now Honoured Worker of Education of Ukraine, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor. From 2003 to April 2020, Nataliia Petrivna Matseliukh, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honoured Worker of Education of Ukraine, was the Dean of the Faculty and then the Director of the Institute. M.M. Telischuk, L.A. Kniazka, L.L. Lazebnyk, L.V. Onuchak, A.P. Karasevych, H.V. Mamonova, Y.I. Myskin, T.M. Hromova, V.V. Martynenko, O.G. Ryabchuk also made a significant contribution to the development of the faculty. The faculty has achieved significant success in scientific activity thanks to Doctors of Sciences, professors: M.M. Semko, E.P. Zhelieb, G.G. Starostenko, A.O. Chugaiev, A.V. Lisovyi, E.O. Storozhuk, A.V. Skrypnyk, E.V. Kalyuza, V.P. Nikolaiev, N.A. Husiatynska.
Currently, 10 doctors of sciences, professors, 34 candidates of sciences, 33 associate professors, and 3 senior lecturers are engaged in training specialists at the faculty.
We cooperate with the State Tax Service of Ukraine, the State Audit Service of Ukraine, Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Special Equipment and Forensic Expertise of the Security Service of Ukraine, and the Public Oversight Body for Audit Activities, Federation of Professional Accountants and Auditors of Ukraine, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), PricewaterhouseCoopers LLC, KPMG Audit PJSC, MIC START LLC, Budlineservis LLC, Discovery Home LLC, Oleum Trade LLC, CaseWare Ukraine Corporation, Audit Firm Azhur-Audit, and HLB Ukraine.
Accounting and taxation is a recognised speciality that is developing through the introduction of the latest technologies and the formation of new competencies; it provides a unique opportunity to obtain a modern economic education that combines the multifaceted knowledge of an accountant, auditor, tax specialist, analyst and researcher.