PhD in Law, Docent, Docent of the Department Anna Amelina
Аmelina Anna Serhiivna
Position: Associate Professor at the Department
Academic degree: Candidate in Law Sciences (Ph.D)
Academic title: Docent
Profile in Google Academy:
- In 2005, she graduated from the National Academy of the State Tax Service of Ukraine with a degree in Law Enforcement Activity.
- In 2009, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Juridical Sciences (PhD in Law) in the specialty 12.00.03 – Civil Law and Civil Procedure; Family Law; Private International Law on the topic: «Insurance as a way to secure obligations in the civil legislation of Ukraine».
- In 2014, she was awarded the academic title of Docent of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines of the National University of the State Tax Service of Ukraine.
Advanced training and internships:
- Main Investigation Department of Financial Investigations of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, «Workshop on drafting procedural documents», 2019.
- State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine, Academy of Financial Monitoring under the program «Webinar on Improving Parallel Financial Investigations for LEAs in Ukraine», 2019.
- All-Ukrainian scientific and pedagogical advanced training «Improving the professional competence of a teacher of legal disciplines», certificate No. ADV-151189-LSI, 2021.
- Academic Integrity (online course on the Prometheus platform, 2021).
- Media literacy for educators (online course for teachers on the Prometheus platform, 2021).
- Professional development of teachers: new requirements and opportunities (online course on the Prometheus platform, 2022).
- Civil Defense and Protection in Emergency Situations (online course on the Prometheus platform, 2022).
- Communication on National Communities for Police and Prosecution Services (online course on the Prometheus platform, 2023).
- Legal Competence in the Era of Digital Transformation (Center for Ukrainian and European Cooperation, 2024).
Field of scientific interests:
- theory of forensic evidence;
- methods of investigating criminal offences;
- use of specialized knowledge during financial investigations.
Scientific activity:
- author and co-author of more than 60 scientific and educational works, 25 articles in professional journals;
- one article in a publication indexed in Scopus;
- has 5 copyright certificates.
Academic disciplines taught:
- «Tactical support of criminal proceedings»;
- «Forensics: financial investigations»;
- «Criminal procedural law»;
- «Clandestine investigative (research) actions as a means of gathering evidence».
office – D604, e-mail: