List of educational institutions with which cooperation agreements have been concluded

- Municipal institution "Tyvriv Scientific Lyceum" of Vinnytsia Regional Council
- Tyvriv Lyceum of Tyvriv Village Council
- Lyceum "2" of the Hnivan City Council
- Department of Education, Youth and Sports of Khmelnytskyi City Council
- Lyceum №1 in the city of Khmilnyk, Vinnytsia region
- Lyceum №2 in the city of Khmilnyk, Vinnytsia region
- Lyceum №3 in Khmilnyk, Vinnytsia region
- Lyceum №4 in the city of Khmilnyk, Vinnytsia region
- Stroyinets Lyceum of Tyvriv Village Council
- Krasnyansky lyceum Tyvriv village council
- Lyceum No. 1 named after A S Makarenko of the Hnivan City Council

- Communal support institution of general secondary education "Rozhyshche Lyceum №3" of Rozhyshche City Council of Lutsk District, Volyn Region
- Tur Lyceum of the Zabolotnivka Village Council of the Kovel District, Volyn Region
- Municipal institution of general secondary education "Lutsk Lyceum No. 14 named after Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi of Lutsk City Council"
- Municipal institution of general secondary education "Lutsk Lyceum № 28 of Lutsk City Council"
- Municipal institution of general secondary education "Lutsk Lyceum No. 27 of Lutsk City Council"
- Municipal institution of general secondary education "Lutsk Lyceum № 26 of Lutsk City Council"
- Municipal institution of general secondary education "Lutsk Lyceum № 22 of Lutsk City Council"
- Municipal institution of general secondary education "Lutsk Lyceum No. 25 of Lutsk City Council"
- Municipal institution of general secondary education "Lutsk Lyceum No. 21 named after Mykhailo Kravchuk of Lutsk City Council"
- Municipal institution of general secondary education "Lutsk Lyceum No. 11 of Lutsk City Council"
- Lyceum No. 1 named after Natalia Uzhviy of the Lyuboml City Council of the Kovel District of Volyn Region
- Municipal institution of general secondary education "Lutsk Lyceum No. 10 of Lutsk City Council"
- Zelenodosh Lyceum No. 2 of the Zelenodolsk City Council of the Dnipro Region

- Lyceum №33 in Zhytomyr. Zhytomyr
- Korosten City Lyceum No. 7 in Zhytomyr region
- Pishchiv Lyceum of the Pishchiv Village Council of the Novohrad-Volynskyi District of Zhytomyr Region
- Lyceum №4 in the city of Berdychiv, Zhytomyr region
- Berdychiv City Humanitarian Gymnasium No. 2
- Putylovytskyi lyceum of the Luhyn village council of Korosten district, Zhytomyr region
- Ovruch Lyceum No. 4 of the Ovruch City Council
- Yemilchyn Lyceum No. 2 of the Yemilchyn Village Council of the Zhytomyr Region
- Zhytomyr Agricultural College
- Pokaliv Lyceum of the Ovruch City Council
- Zhytomyr Lyceum No. 7 named after Valeriy Brazhevsky
- Lyceum №33 in Zhytomyr
- Lyceum №24 in Zhytomyr
- Lyceum No. 11 of the Zvyagel City Council
- Lyceum No. 4 of the Zvyagel City Council
- Ovruch Lyceum №3 of the Ovruch City Council
- Lyceum №17 in Zhytomyr
- Korosten City Lyceum No. 12 in Zhytomyr Oblast
- Ovruch Lyceum named after Andriy Malyshko of the Ovruch City Council
- Korosten City Lyceum No. 11 in Zhytomyr Oblast
- Ovruch Lyceum No. 1 of the Ovruch City Council
- Ovruch Lyceum No. 4 of the Ovruch City Council
- Lyceum №3 in Zhytomyr. Zhytomyr
- Andrushivka Lyceum No. 1 of the Andrushivka City Council of the Berdychiv District, Zhytomyr Region
- Brusylivka lyceum named after H.O. Gotovchytsia of Brusylivka village council
- Brusylivka Lyceum No. 1 named after I.I. Ohienko of the Brusylivka Village Council

- Bucha Lyceum No. 5 of the Bucha City Council of the Kyiv Region
- Bucha Lyceum №3 of the Bucha City Council of the Kyiv Region
- Bucha Lyceum No. 4 of the Bucha City Council of the Kyiv Region
- Bila Tserkva Lyceum "Small Academy of Sciences" of the Bila Tserkva City Council of the Kyiv Region
- Vorzel Lyceum No. 10 of the Bucha City Council of Kyiv Region
- Irpin Humanitarian Lyceum "Linguist" named after Zarifa Aliyeva of the Irpin City Council of Bucha district, Kyiv region.
- Irpin Academic Lyceum "Mriya" of the Irpin City Council of the Bucha district of Kyiv region
- Irpin Lyceum №2 of the Irpin City Council of the Bucha district of Kyiv region
- Irpin Lyceum of Innovative Technologies of the Irpin City Council of the Bucha District of Kyiv Region
- Irpin Professional College of Economics and Law
- College at the Yahotyn Institute of the Private Joint Stock Company "Higher Educational Institution "Interregional Academy of Personnel Management"
- Municipal institution "Havrylivka institution of general secondary education of I-III degrees" No. 8 of the Bucha City Council of Kyiv region
- Municipal institution of the Fastiv City Council "Fastiv Centre for Extracurricular Activities"
- Kotsiubyno lyceum №2 of the Kotsiubyno village council
- Kotsiubynskyi lyceum №1
- Mykulytskyi lyceum of Nemishayivka village council, Bucha district, Kyiv region
- Rokytnyansky Lyceum No. 1 of the Rokytnyansky Village Council of the Bila Tserkva District of Kyiv Region
- Myronivka Academic Lyceum №3 of Myronivka City Council of Kyiv Region
- Skvyra educational complex "institution of general secondary education of I-III degrees No. 5 - preschool education institution" of Skvyra City Council of Kyiv region
- Educational complex "School of I-II degrees - Kotsiubynskyi Humanitarian Lyceum" of the Kotsiubynskyi village council of Kyiv region
- Lyutizkyi lyceum of Petrivske village council
- Piyev Lyceum "Erudite" of the Rzhyshchiv City Council of the Kyiv Region
- Uzyn Lyceum "Success" of the Uzyn City Council of the Kyiv Region
- Law Lyceum of Stavyshche Secondary Educational Complex No. 2
- Myronivka Academic Lyceum No. 2 of the Myronivka City Council of the Kyiv Region
- Mountain Lyceum of the Mountain Village Council
- Belogorodsk Academic Lyceum №2
- Belogorodskoye Lyceum No. 1, a hub educational institution
- Nemishayivka Lyceum No. 2, a hub educational institution

- Educational complex №167 with in-depth study of the German language (specialised school of the first level-gymnasium) in Kyiv Kyiv
- School I-IIIst №169 in Shevchenkivskyi district of Kyiv Kyiv
- Secondary school №66 in Kyiv. Kyiv
- Specialised school №210 of Obolon district of Kyiv
- Specialised school of I-III degrees No. 189 with in-depth study of English and German in the Desnianskyi district of Kyiv
- Gymnasium "Priority" of the All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation "Education of Ukraine"
- Specialised school 17, Podil district of Kyiv with in-depth study of mathematics
- Dialogue Gymnasium
- Specialised secondary school of I-III degrees No. 314 with in-depth study of a foreign language
- Specialised school of I-III degrees №135 in Shevchenkivskyi district of Kyiv
- Specialised school of I-III degrees №120 in Kyiv with in-depth study of natural and mathematical subjects
- Specialised school No. 214 in Obolon district of Kyiv
- Secondary school №262 of Podil district of Kyiv
- Lyceum of Tax and Advertising Business No. 21 in Kyiv
- School of I-III degrees No. 212 in Desnianskyi district of Kyiv
- Lyceum "Universum" in Shevchenkivskyi district of Kyiv Kyiv
- Secondary school №235 named after Vyacheslav Chornovil
- Mykhailo Drahomanov Ukrainian State University
- Gymnasium №188 in Kyiv. Kyiv
- Lyceum №176 named after Miguel de Cervantes Saaverda in the Dniprovskyi district of Kyiv
- School No. 27, Shevchenkivskyi district, Kyiv
- Vernadsky Taurida National University

- Educational complex "Kirovohrad Collegium - Specialised Educational Institution of I-III Degrees - Preschool Educational Institution - Centre of Aesthetic Education" of Kirovohrad City Council of Kirovohrad Region
- Pavlyk Lyceum named after V.O. Sukhomlynskyi of Onufriyivka village council, Kirovohrad region
- Municipal institution "Lyceum "Mriya" of the Kropyvnytskyi City Council"
- Municipal institution "Lyceum of New Learning Technologies" of the Kropyvnytskyi City Council
- Municipal Institution "Lyceum of Natural Sciences of Kropyvnytskyi City Council"
- Multidisciplinary Lyceum of Oleksandriya City Council of Kirovohrad Region
- Municipal institution "Lyceum "Maximum" of Kropyvnytskyi City Council"
- Lyceum "Wings of Ukraine" Znamiansk City Council, Kirovohrad region
- Lyceum "Svoboda" of the Znamiansk City Council of the Kirovohrad Region
- Taras Shevchenko Lyceum of the Znamiansk City Council of Kirovohrad Region
- Lyceum "Intellect" of the Znamiansk City Council of the Kirovohrad Region
- Dubliany Support Lyceum named after the Hero of Ukraine Anatoliy Zhalovaha of the Lviv City Council
- Stryi Lyceum named after Ivan Franko
- Ivan Franko Lyceum No. 1 of Drohobych City Council, Lviv Region
- Brody Gymnasium named after Ivan Trush of the Brody City Council of Lviv Oblast.
- Sokal secondary school №4
- Lviv Lyceum named after Andriy Korchak
- Sokal Secondary School No. 4 of Sokal City Council, Lviv Oblast.
- Brody secondary school No. 3 of the Brody City Council of Lviv Oblast
- Bohdan Lepkyi Drohobych Scientific Lyceum
- Lyceum №2 of Drohobych City Council, Lviv region
- Stryi secondary school №10
- Secondary school No. 2 in Radekhiv
- Chervonohrad Lyceum of the Chervonohrad City Council of the Lviv Region
- Municipal institution of the Lviv Regional Council "Regional Scientific Lyceum"
- Sokal Lyceum No. 1 named after Oleg Romaniv
- Sokal Secondary School No. 5 of the Sokal City Council of Lviv Oblast.
- Secondary school in Novyi Vytkiv village, Radekhiv district, Lviv region
- Lyceum №16 named after Yuriy Drohobych of Drohobych City Council, Lviv region
- Lyceum №4 named after Lesya Ukrainka of Drohobych City Council, Lviv region
- Lyceum №3 named after Vyacheslav Chornovil of the Drohobych City Council of Lviv Oblast
- Brody secondary school №4 of the Brody city council of Lviv region
- Brody specialised secondary school with English language learning No. 2 of the Brody City Council of Lviv Oblast
- Lyceum "Grono" of the Lviv City Council

- Mykolaiv Lyceum No. 38 named after Volodymyr Dmytrovych Chaika of the Mykolaiv City Council of the Mykolaiv Region
- Mykolaiv Lyceum No. 55 of the Mykolaiv City Council of the Mykolaiv Region
- Pervomaisk Lyceum "Erudite" of the Pervomaisk City Council

- Artsyzsk Lyceum No. 4 with primary school and gymnasium of Artsyzsk City Council

- Kremenchuk Gymnasium №2 of the Kremenchuk City Council of the Kremenchuk District of Poltava Region
- Pustoviytiv Lyceum of the Globin City Council
- Zavodske Lyceum No. 1 of the Zavodske City Council of the Myrhorod District of Poltava Region

- Department of Education of the Executive Committee of Rivne City Council, Main Department of the State Tax Service in Rivne Oblast
- Department of Education and Science of the Rivne Regional State Administration, Main Department of the State Police in Rivne region.
- General secondary education institution "Korets Lyceum" of the Korets City Council
- Horbakivka lyceum of Babyn village council in Rivne region
- Goshcha Academic Lyceum of the Goshcha Village Council of Rivne Oblast.
- Rivne Lyceum №19 of Rivne City Council
- Rivne Lyceum №23 of Rivne City Council
- Rivne Lyceum №11 of Rivne City Council
- Regional Scientific Lyceum in Rivne, Rivne Regional Council
- Rivne Lyceum "Collegium" of Rivne City Council
- Rivne Lyceum №1 of Rivne City Council
- Rivne Lyceum №7 of Rivne City Council
- Rivne Lyceum 326 of Rivne City Council
- Regional Sports Lyceum in Kostopil, Rivne Oblast Council
- Regional lyceum with enhanced military and physical training in Ostroh named after Kostiantyn Ostrozkyi of the Rivne Regional Council
- Novorichyky Lyceum of the Zarichne Settlement Council of the Varaska District of Rivne Region
- Zarichne lyceum No. 1 of the Zarichne settlement council of the Varaska district of Rivne region
- Zarichne lyceum №2 of the Zarichne settlement council of the Varaska district of Rivne region
- Sernytsia Lyceum of the Zarichne Settlement Council of the Varaska District of Rivne Region
- Dubrovytsia Lyceum №2 of Dubrovytsia City Council, Rivne region
- Dubrovytsia Lyceum of Dubrovytsia City Council
- Berestovo Lyceum of Dubrovytsia City Council
- Orvianytsia Lyceum of Dubrovytsia City Council
- Remchytsia Lyceum of Sarny City Council, Sarny district, Rivne region
- Sarny Lyceum No. 5 of Sarny City Council, Sarny district, Rivne region
- Sarny Lyceum No. 4 of Sarny City Council, Sarny district, Rivne region
- Taras Shevchenko Lyceum No. 1 of the Sarny City Council of Sarny District, Rivne Region
- Sarny Lyceum No. 2 of the Sarny City Council of Sarny District, Rivne Region
- Sarny District Lyceum "Leader" of the Sarny City Council of Sarny District, Rivne Region

- Andriy Yurkevych Ternopil Secondary School No. 13 of the Ternopil City Council of the Ternopil Oblast
- Ternopil secondary school of I-III degrees №4 of Ternopil city council of Ternopil region
- Ternopil secondary school of I-III degrees №11 of Ternopil city council of Ternopil region
- Ternopil secondary school of I-III degrees №10 of Ternopil city council of Ternopil region
- Ternopil Specialised School of I-III grades No. 5 with in-depth study of foreign languages of the Ternopil City Council of Ternopil Oblast
- Ternopil Specialised School of I-III Degrees No. 3 with In-depth Study of Foreign Languages of the Ternopil City Council of Ternopil Oblast
- Ternopil secondary school of I-III degrees No. 22 of the Ternopil City Council of the Ternopil region
- Ternopil secondary school of I-III degrees No. 8 of Ternopil City Council of Ternopil region
- Ternopil Educational Complex "N. Yaremchuk School-Lyceum No. 6"
- Ternopil secondary school of I-III degrees No. 18 of the Ternopil City Council of the Ternopil region
- Volodymyr Vykhrushch Specialised School of I-III Degrees No. 17 with Advanced Study of Foreign Languages of the Ternopil City Council of the Ternopil Region
- Ternopil Educational Complex "Secondary School of I-III Degrees-Legal Lyceum No. 2"
- Ternopil Lyceum №21 - specialised art school named after Ihor Hereta of Ternopil City Council of Ternopil region
- Ternopil Specialised School of I-III grades No. 7 with in-depth study of foreign languages of the Ternopil City Council of Ternopil Oblast
- Volodymyr Levytskyi Ternopil Secondary School No. 16 of the Ternopil City Council of the Ternopil Oblast
- Ternopil secondary school of I-III degrees №23 of Ternopil city council of Ternopil region
- B. Lepkyi Ternopil Secondary School No. 14 of the Ternopil City Council of the Ternopil Oblast

- Ivanivka Lyceum No. 1 of the Ivanivka Village Council of the Kherson Region
- Kherson National Technical University
- Kakhovka secondary school of I-III degrees No. 3 of Kakhovka city council of Kherson region

- Gymnasium №2 in Khmelnytskyi. Khmelnytskyi
- Secondary school No. 1 in Slavuta, Khmelnytskyi region
- Volochysk Secondary School No. 1 of Volochysk City Council, Khmelnytskyi Oblast
- Specialised secondary school of I-III degrees №12 in Khmelnytskyi. Khmelnytskyi

- Korsun-Shevchenkivska gymnasium No. 5 with the primary school of Korsun-Shevchenkivska city council of Cherkasy region
- Korsun-Shevchenko Gymnasium №2 with the primary school of Korsun - Shevchenko City Council of Cherkasy region
- Korsun-Shevchenkivska secondary school No. 1 of the Korsun-Shevchenkivska City Council of Cherkasy region
- Pidnyanska secondary school of I-III levels of the Mankivska village council of Cherkasy region
- Youth general secondary education institution of I-III levels of Mankivka village council of Cherkasy region
- Dmytrushkivskyi lyceum of Dmytrushkivskyi village council, Uman district, Cherkasy region
- Vilkhovetskyi Lyceum with a preschool unit named after the Hero of Ukraine Vyacheslav Chornovil of the Zvenyhorod City Council of the Zvenyhorod District of Cherkasy Region
- Starobabanivka lyceum of Dmytrushky village council, Uman district, Cherkasy region
- Baban Lyceum of the Baban village council, Uman district, Cherkasy region
- Sushkivskyi lyceum of Dmytrushkiv village council, Uman district, Cherkasy region
- Rodnykivskyi lyceum named after Taras Shevchenko of the Palansky village council of Uman district, Cherkasy region
- Mankivka Secondary School No. 1 of the Mankivka Village Council of the Cherkasy Region
- Uman Lyceum No. 1 of the Uman City Council of Cherkasy Oblast
- Uman Lyceum No. 3 of the Uman City Council of Cherkasy Oblast
- Zvenyhorod Lyceum №3 of the Zvenyhorod City Council of the Zvenyhorod District of Cherkasy Region
- Zvenyhorod Lyceum №2 of the Zvenyhorod City Council of the Zvenyhorod District of Cherkasy Region
- Zvenigorod Shevchenko Secondary School of Zvenigorod City Council
- Mankivka educational complex "Secondary school of I-III levels - gymnasium" of the Mankivka village council of Cherkasy region
- Dubove lyceum of Baban village council, Uman district, Cherkasy region

- Novodnistrovskyi Secondary School of II-III levels of Novodnistrovskyi City Council of Chernivtsi Region
- Novodnistrovsky basic secondary education institution "Novodnistrovsky gymnasium" in Chernivtsi region
- Shyshkovets Lyceum, Dnister district, Chernivtsi region
- Mamalyhiv Lyceum of Mamalyhiv Village Council, Dnistrovskyi District, Chernivtsi Region

- Desnianskyi lyceum of the Desnianskyi village council
- Linovytska secondary school of I-III degrees of Linovytska village council of Pryluky district, Chernihiv region
- Ripkin Lyceum named after Sofia Rusova of the Ripkin Village Council
- Pryluky Secondary School No. 9 of the Pryluky City Council of Chernihiv Oblast
- Nizhyn Lyceum of the Nizhyn City Council of Chernihiv Region at Nizhyn Gogol State University
- Nizhyn Primary Educational Complex No. 16 "Prestige" (Gymnasium - Secondary School - Preschool) of the Nizhyn City Council of the Chernihiv Region
- Nizhyn secondary school No. 15 of the Nizhyn City Council of Chernihiv Oblast
- Nizhyn Secondary School No. 7 of the Nizhyn City Council of the Chernihiv Region
- Pryluky Lyceum No. 14 of the Pryluky City Council of Chernihiv Oblast
- Pryluky Secondary School No. 7 (Lyceum No. 7) of the Pryluky City Council of Chernihiv Oblast
The Department of Career Guidance and Career Development of the NSCME coordinates and supports the signing of agreements with educational institutions
Building P, room 106
Internal telephone: 17-10
Mobile phones: +380686193131; +380736193131