As part of the implementation of the Jean Monnet Module "Formation of sustainable interest in EU tax culture through the introduction of educational, scientific and communicative educational activities focused on Ukrainian society" (Grant Agreement No. 101125984 - TIEU) on April 4, 2024 for students of higher education at the Faculty of Finance and Accounting of the Western Ukrainian of the National University, a guest online lecture by Tetyana Tuchak, associate professor of the Department of Tax Administration of the State Tax University, took place. The event was moderated by Professor Olga Kyrylenko.

The lecture was held on the topic "European approaches to taxation and tax culture of EU countries"/"European approaches to taxation and tax culture of EU countries", during which the features of the functioning of the EU as a fiscal solidarity union of states were considered. The participants of the meeting aroused considerable interest in the issue of harmonization and specifics of the administration of indirect and direct taxes in the EU countries; levels of tax culture of the countries of the European Community. During the discussion, possible ways of implementing European taxation into domestic practice were discussed. The issues discussed by the speaker contributed to increasing the awareness of young people with European values and the culture of taxation.