Senior Lecturer Shepylenko Viktoriya Yuriivna

Shepylenko Viktoriya Yuriivna
Position: Senior Lecturer
Full name in Ukrainian: Шепиленко Вікторія Юріївна
Full name (in English): Shepylenko Viktoriya
Profiles in scientific databases
GoogleSchola r
The sphere (circle) of scientific interests
- The interaction of subjects of financial relations at all levels,
- peculiarities of the organization of Ukraine's debt policy.
- 2000 - 20004, graduated from the National Academy of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, a basic higher education in the field of "Economics and entrepreneurship"
- 2005, graduated from the National Academy of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, master's degree in Finance.
Scientific and pedagogical activity
- since September 2005, Assistant of the Department of Finance of the National Academy of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine.
- Since September 2017, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Finance of the University of the SFS of Ukraine.
- Since December 2021, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Finance of the State Tax University.
Main published works:
Articles in scientific professional journals:
- Sokyrko O. S., Shepylenko V. Yu. Trends in the formation of revenues of the State Budget of Ukraine. Business Inform.2022. No. 3.P. 87–92.
- Shepylenko V.Yu. Theoretical foundations of business organization - processes of an industrial enterprise. Bulletin of the Sumy National Agrarian University.2022. Issue 1 (91). P. 39-46.
- Shepylenko V. Yu. Investment component of the enterprise. Problems of the systemic approach in economics.2022. Issue 2(88). P. 91-96.
Monographs (chapters in monographs)
- Shepylenko V. Yu. Economic consequences of Russian aggression. Legislative support for the formation and implementation of the state policy of Ukraine in the conditions of martial law: collective monograph: in 4 volumes / general.ed.: Stefanchuk R. O., Myshchak I. M., Savchenko L. A.; Institute
- of Legislation of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. K.: Lyudmila Publishing House, 2022. P. 95-109.
- Shepylenko Yu. Innovative component of the financial sector of the economy of Ukraine: theoretical and practical aspect. P.328-363. Theoretical Foundations in Economics and Management: collective monograph / Toporkova O., Lytovchenk O., – etc. – International Science Group. – Boston:
- Primediae Launch, 2022. 872 р. Available at: DOI – 10.46299/ISG.2022.MONO.ECON.2.
During the period of scientific work, 20 publications were published, of which 8 were of a scientific nature (2 monographs, 3 articles in specialized publications, 5 theses of the conference) and 12 were of an educational and methodological nature.
Teaches disciplines
- Public finances,
- Finance
Advanced training (certificates):
- 2021-2022, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. DZVO "University of Education Management". Central Institute of Postgraduate Education - January 17 - February 17,
- 2022, registration number 0016Д-22Ц (150 hours)
- 08.20.2022, VI International training program for heads of educational and scientific institutions, as well as pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers "Together with Outstanding Leaders of Today: Values, Experience, Knowledge, Competences and Technologies for the Formation of a Successful Personality and Transformation of the Surrounding World", Certificate No. 8367 (180 hours), International Historical Biographical Institute.
Responsibilities (areas of activity):
- responsible for filling out the information page of the Department.
Reception of visitors:
Every Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m
Online communication (link to the Google form for making an appointment)
office311 (318), e-mail: