Candidate in Economic (Ph.D), Docent, Associate Professor Maryna Rudaia
Maryna Rudaia
Position: Associate Professor at the Department
Academic degree: Candidate in f Economic Sciences (Ph.D)
Academic title: Docent
Profile in Google Academy:
- In 2003, she graduated from the Academy of the State Tax Service of Ukraine, degree of master in Economics, specialty: Finance and Credit.
- In 2009, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate in Economic Sciences in the specialty 08.00.08 – Finance and Credit specialty Dissertation on the topic: « Income taxation of rural households».
- In 2012, she was awarded the academic title of Senior researcher specialty: Finance and Credit.
- In 2015, she was awarded the academic title of Docent of the Associate Professor of Financial Markets of the University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine.
- In 2019, Qualification of a forensic expert in the following specialties: «Study of accounting, tax accounting and reporting documents»; «Study of documents on the economic activity of enterprises and organizations»; «Research of financial and credit transaction documents».
Advanced training and internships:
- Features of the organization of the educational process in modern conditions (Krakow University of Economics, Republic of Poland, 2019).
- Strengthening the Social Responsibility of Universities to Achieve Sustainable Development (Press, Education and Culture Section of the U.S. Embassy, 2021).
- Platform for Modern Education “Sztuczna Inteligencja w Edukacji - praktyczne przykłady wykorzystania” (“Artificial Intelligence in Education - Practical Use Cases”, Republic of Poland, 2023).
- Theoretical, organizational and procedural issues of forensic examination (Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, 2024).
Field of scientific interests:
- economic security,
- financial investigations,
- forensic examinations,
- use of specialized knowledge in financial investigations.
Scientific activity:
- author and co-author of more than 70 scientific and educational works, including: 5 collective monographs: “Reforming the Tax System of Ukraine: Theory, Methodology, Practice (2011); State Budget and Budget Strategy in the Context of Economic Reforms (2011); Actual Problems of Improving Tax Regulation (2013); Financial Mechanism of Structural Modernization of the Ukrainian Economy (2013); The Economics of Uncertainty: A Practical View of the Problem (2021);
- 2 textbooks (co-authored): Taxation of Financial Institutions (2014); Economics of Recovery (2024);
- 30 articles in professional publications of Ukraine;
- 1 articles in publications indexed in Web of Science, as well as about 30 publications at conferences and round tables;
Academic disciplines taught:
- Forensic examination in financial investigations;
- Fundamentals of financial investigations;
- Investigation of legalization (laundering) of proceeds of crime;
- Methodology, organization and technology of scientific research (with the module “Academic writing”).
Contacts: office – D604, e-mail: