D. in Economics, Associate Professor Biletska Olena Anatolyivna

Biletska Olena Anatolyivna
Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Public Finance
Full name in Ukrainian: Білецька Олена Анатоліївна
Full name (in English): Biletska Olena
Academic degree: Candidate of Economic Sciences
Academic status: Associate Professor
Profiles in scientific databases
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5065-0189
Web of Science Researcher ID https://fkd.ubs.edu.ua/index.php/fkd/article/view/2910
Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=PCc9bZIAAAAJ&hl=uk
The sphere (circle) of scientific interests
- Budget and tax policy,
- state finance management,
- state financial policy.
- 2009 - National University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, basic higher education in the field of training "Economics and entrepreneurship", bachelor's qualification in accounting and auditing
- 2010 – the National University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, full higher education in the specialty "Accounting and Audit", a master's degree in accounting and auditing;
- 2010 – the postgraduate program of the National University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, majoring in (08.00.08 – money, finance and credit)
- 2017 – defended candidate's thesis on the topic "Dominants of the budget policy of local economic development of Ukraine" the specialty "Money, Finance and Credit" at the specialized Academic Council of the University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, and obtained the scientific degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences. Based on the decision of the Attestation Board dated February 28, 2017.
Scientific and pedagogical activity
- 2006–2010 – Leading specialist of the Scientific and organizational Department of the National University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine.
- 2010-1014 - Junior researcher of the Department of Research on the problems of combating tax offenses of the NDC PO of the National University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine.
- 2014-2015 – Researcher of the Department of Research on Problems of Combating Tax Offenses of the NDC on Taxation Problems.
- 2015 – Senior Lecturer of the Finance Department of the State Fiscal Service University of Ukraine.
- 2017–present– Associate Professor of the Department of Public Finance of the State Tax University.
Main published works:
Articles in scientific professional publications:
- Biletska O.A.Formation, consequences and ways of reducing the volume of the state debt of Ukraine. Economy.Finances.Right.No. 9.2021. P.5-8
- Biletska O.A. Pasichnyk Yu.V. The usage in Ukraine of the experience of financing government expenditures on education in the countries of the European Union. Economic journal of the Volyn National University named afterLesya Ukrainka.No. 3.2021. P. 6-13. URL: https://echas.vnu.edu.ua/index.php/echas/article/view/685/559
- Biletska O.A.Methodological approaches to the formation of the budget declaration // Bulletin of the Kherson National Technical University.No. 3 (78).2021. Kherson.P.175-185.URL: http://kntu.net.ua/ukr/content/view/full/74621
- Biletska O.A.Peculiarities of funding of scientific research in the countries of the European Union. Business information No. 7.2021. P. 37-43. URL:https://doi.org/10.32983/2222-4459-2021-7-37-43
Articles in foreign publications:
- Biletska O.A., Pasichnyk Y.V. New paradigm of European financial science.Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice. Volume 1. No. 32.2020. P. 518-525. URL: https://fkd.ubs.edu.ua/index.php/fkd/article/view/2910https://fkd.ubs.edu.ua/index.php/fkd/article/view/2910 During the period of scientific work, 35 publications were published, among them, 15 articles in specialized publications,
- articles in foreign publications, 20 theses of the conference and 2 of an educational and methodological nature.
Teaches disciplines
- "Financial policy of the state",
- Educational workshop on the discipline "Finance".
Advanced training (certificates):
State institution Open public finances "E-data: opportunities and effective control over public finances", 2021.
Reception of visitors:
Wednesday 10.00–12.00
office B-318, phone 13-79 E-mail: