State tax university
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Pogorielovska Iryna Demyanivna
Pogorielovska Iryna Demyanivna
Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Computer and Information Technologies and Systems
Full name in Ukrainian: Погорєловська Ірина Дем’янівна
Full name (in English) Pogorielovska Iryna
Scientific degree: Candidate of Economic Sciences
Academic rank: Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies
Profiles in scientific databases
Google Scholar
The sphere (circle) of scientific interests
- innovative development,
- economic and mathematical modeling,
- management of IT projects
- 1989 - Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, specialty "Electronic computing machines".
- 2002 - Academy of the State Tax Service of Ukraine, specialty "Finance"
- 2002 - academic degree: Candidate of Economic Sciences, specialty 08.03.02 Economic and mathematical modeling
- 2003 - academic title: Associate Professor of the Department of Information systems and technologies
Scientific and pedagogical activity
- 2002 - Head of the software laboratory, Center for retraining and advanced training of personnel for the Academy of the SFS of Ukraine
- 2004-2005 - Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technologies in Taxation, Center for retraining and advanced training of personnel for the DPS of Ukraine, Academy of the SFS of Ukraine
- 2006-2014 - Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Management, Institute of Postgraduate Education, National University of SFS of Ukraine
- 2015 - Deputy of the Head of the Center for Distance Education, University of the Federal State of Ukraine
- 2016-2020 – Deputy of Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Information Technologies, University of SFS of Ukraine
- 2021-2022 - Director of the Training Center for Continuing Education and Distance Learning, the State Tax University
- 2022 until now - Associate Professor of the Department of Computer and Information Technologies and Systems, the State Tax University
Part-time: by years
- 1993-1996 - Assistant, Irpin Industrial College
- 1997-2002 - Senior Lecturer, Ukrainian Financial and Economic Institute
- 2003-2012 - Associate Professor of the Department of International Economics and Entrepreneurship, National University of SFS of Ukraine
- 2013-2022 - Associate Professor of the Department of Intelligent Controllers and Computer Systems, National University of SFS of Ukraine
Social and public activity
- Methodist-developer of training programs on informatization, teacher-tutor in IT disciplines at the Public Organization "Association of Universities of the Third Age "Klepsidra"" since 19.10.2019 to the present time.
- Head of the Professional Examination Commission for conducting entrance exams for the specialty 122 "Computer Science" (2018-2023)
- Member of the temporary anti-epidemic commission of the SFS University of Ukraine (2021).
- Curator of groups KB-18-1, EKB-18-1 (2018-2022), KMI-22-1 (2022-2024).
- Proforg of the Center for retraining and advanced training of personnel for the DPS of Ukraine (2000-2014), member of the trade union committee of the National University of the SFS of Ukraine (2005-2010).
- Deputy of the Head of the Department for Scientific Work, Institute of Postgraduate Education, National University of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (2010-2014)
- Member of the organizing committee of the scientific and practical seminar "Modernization of the State Tax Service in the context of innovative development" (2008-2013).
- Secretary of the organizing committee of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems of the Implementation of Information Technologies in the Economy", Institute of Postgraduate Education, National University of the State of Ukraine (2000-2012).
Main published works
- Articles in scientific professional publications:
- Pogorielovska I.D. Modernization of the State Tax Service of Ukraine from positions synergetics //Scientific bulletin: coll.of scienceworks of NUDPSU (economics, law), 2012. - No. 4 (55). - P. 33-41.
- Pogorielovska I.D. Approaches to assessing the risks of modernization of the information system / I. Pogorielovska, S. S. Pohorelovsky // Collection of research papers of the National University of the State Tax Service of Ukraine. - 2011. - No. 2. - P. 236-241 (author. - 0.15 printed pages).
- Pogorielovska I.D. The practice of building a relational database of the PC "Local Budget Estimates of the DPS" / Theoretical and methodological foundations of computer knowledge bases in the economy: monograph / S.P.Rippa, I.D. Pogorielovska, O.V.Redych, etc.;under the editorshipS.P.rips– Irpin: UDFSU, 2021. -170 p. (author. - 0.4 dr.a; c.136-149).
- Pogorielovska I. D. Systems and technologies of digital information processing based on Fourier transform algorithms / Information control systems and technologies: monograph / Zag. ed. Dr. Economic Sciences, Professor S. V. Ustenko - Kyiv: KNEU, 2019. - 419 p. (pp. 337 - 352).
Educational and methodical manuals
- Innovative management: educational manual /Gorbovyi A.Yu., Lipych L.G., Pogorielovska I.D. etc.; under the editorship Doctor of Economics, Prof.L. G. Lipych.2nd edition issue and additional– Irpin: University of the SFS of Ukraine, 2019. - 286 p. (author. - 1.4 dr. sheet)
- Pogorielovska I.D. Section II. Chapter 2. "Tax reporting", Chapter II. Chapter 7 "Information and analytical support for the activities of the state tax service" / Reforming the tax system under the conditions of the implementation of the Tax Code of Ukraine / Zhuravskyi V.L., Nakai A.I., etc., 9 people in total //Electronic study guide (version 1, 2011, 300MB; version 2, 2012, 305MB; version 3, 2014, 2.5GB)/ (author. - 2.4 pr. sheet) ( Grif MES, letter No. 1/11-5367 dated 06/30/2011).
- Pogorielovska I.D. Modernization of the information system and creation of the information and analytical environment of the tax service / Modernization of the State Tax Service of Ukraine: Training - method. a guide for distance course students.9th edition, corrected and supplemented /According toed. V. L. Zhuravskyi. Irpin, Publishing House of NU DPSU, 2013. – 197 p. (author. - 1.7 dr. sheet).
- Pogorielovska I.D.The current state of automation of the activities of the State Tax Service of Ukraine /Taxation of foreign economic activity in Ukraine /Study. Manual for student’s higher education /For general editor M.Ya. Azarov.- K.: DIYA, 2000. - 320 p. (18.6 dr. sheet/ 0.5 dr. sheet). p.85-292.
- Professional training program for employees of state tax service bodies (equivalent to civil servants of categories 5-7) under direction 1501 "State management"/For the general editor Zhuravsky V.L. Irpin, NUDPSU. - 2006. - 264 p. (author. pp. 35-45, 199-207, 234-252).
- Pogorielovska I.D. Innovative solutions in the organization of business processes in the bodies of the SFS of Ukraine / Automation of work in the bodies of the DPS of Ukraine. Textbook / Under general editorship Rosolovsky V.M. and Rippa S.P.– Irpin: Academy of State of Ukraine, 2002. - 401 p. (21.3 dr. sheets / 2 dr. sheets) c.196-244.
- During the period of scientific work, more than 100 works were published, of which 42 were of a scientific nature (2 monographs, 10 articles in specialized publications, 30 conference theses) and 95 were of an educational and methodological nature (including 1 textbook, 5 educational aids, 89 educational and methodological materials).
Teaches disciplines:
- "Innovative IT project management",
- "IT project management",
- "Intelligent data analysis", etc.
Advanced training (certificates):
- Creation and development of IT products (2 ECTS). Genesiss company, PFE (Product IT Foundation for Education). February 13-24, 2023. Certificate No. 172/02-2023 and accreditation to integrate the course at your institution of higher education.
- IT Ukraine association teacher's Internship program held by EPAM Systems.2022 August-September.
- Innovative Industry Practices & Future Industry Skills for Electronics and Computer Engineering Graduates. Adamas University (Kolkata). 20-21 Nov. 2021.
- Academic integrity: an online course for teachers. Prometheus. September 22, 2021.
- Technology for developing distance courses. Modern educational technologies. SFS University of Ukraine. June 3-21, 2019.
- Introduction to Cybersecurity course. Cisco Networking Akademy. 19 February2019.
- Examination of the distance course. NTU "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". June 1, 2015.
- Acknowledgments of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2021)
- Certificate of Honor of the All-Ukrainian Professional Union of Employees of the DPS of Ukraine (2020, 2012);
- Certificate of the Executive Committee of the Irpin City Council (2018);
- Certificate of Honor of the State Tax Administration of Ukraine (2009);
- Acknowledgments, Certificates, Honorary Certificates of the University (2002, 2003, 2012, 2013, 2016, 2018, 2019);
- Commemorative award "Honorary employee of the University" (2020).
(areas of activity): scientific and pedagogical activity
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