State tax university
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Nizhehorodtsev Vladyslav Oleksandrovich
Nizhegorodtsev Vladyslav Oleksandrovych
Position: Associate Professor of the Department, Deputy of the Head of the Department for educational and methodological work
Full name in Ukrainian: Ніжегородцев Владислав Олександрович
Full name (in English): Nizhehorodtsev Vladyslav
Scientific degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Academic rank: Associate Professor
Profiles in scientific databases
Google Scholar
Web of Science Researcher ID
The sphere (circle) of scientific interests
- Information technologies in the training of specialists,
- formation of professional competence,
- digital design technologies.
- 2004 – graduated from National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Drahomanov, specialty "Physics".
- 2014 – defended candidate's thesis on the topic "Formation of methodological competences of future physics teachers", in the specialized Academic Council of the National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Drahomanov.
- 2021 – received the academic rank of Associate Professor issued by the attestation board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Scientific and pedagogical activity
- 2004-2013 - Assistant Professor of the Department of Experimental and Theoretical physics and Astronomy - National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Drahomanov;
- 2008-2011 - graduate student at National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Drahomanov;
- 2013-2014 - Assistant of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies of the University of State Fiscal Service of Ukraine;
- 2014-2015 - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Information systems and Technologies of the University of State Fiscal Service of Ukraine;
- 2015-2020 - Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies of the University of State Fiscal Service of Ukraine;
- 2020-2021Acting Head of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies of the State Fiscal Service University;
- 2021 until now - Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Information Technologies and Systems.
- Member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Finance and Digital Technologies, the State Examination Commission.
2008-2012 - Lecturer of the Department of Medical Informatics and Computer Technologies of the National Medical University named after O.O. Bogomolets
Social and public activity.
2019 until now - content manager of educational programs in informatization and a teacher-tutor in IT disciplines. Certificate No. 002/23 dated 11.10.2023, Public Organization "Association of Universities of the Third Age "CLEPSIDRA"".
Main published works:
Articles in scientific professional publications:
- Sadivnychyi, O. Bondarenko, I. Zhylenko, N. Prokopenko, I. Kucherenko, The development of interactive teaching methods for students using computer technology// International Journal of Management (IJM) [electronic scientific publication]. - Volume 11, Issue 6, June 2020 - 1002-1011. Article ID: IJM_11_06_088.Available online at Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510 DOI:10.34218/IJM.11.6.2020.088. (Scopus)
- Morkun V.S. Development of a method for studying traffic of multiservice networks. / V.S. Morkun S.M. Hryshchenko V.O. Nizhehorodtsev M.M. Filonenko V.V. Lagovsky.// Radio electronics, informatics, management.2023. No. 2. - P. 125-133.- (Web of Science)
- Nizhegorodtsev V.O. Digitization of a lawyer's activities: analytical and legal system "Zakon Online"/ V.O. Nizhegorodtsev, L.M. Petrenko, S.M. Hryshchenko // Bulletin of the Kryvorizka National University. Kryvyi Rih, 2022. Issue55. P. 24-30. (collection of studies in the field of technical and economic sciences, category "B").
- Nizhegorodtsev V. O. Digital toolkit of the personnel component of the economic security system of the enterprise/ V. O. Nizhegorodtsev, L. M. Petrenko// Collection of scientific works of the State Tax University: electronic scientific edition (category B) [Electronic resource] / head.ed. T.Payentko; State Horseshoe University.2022. No. 2. — P.155-172.Access mode:
- M. Petrenko. Peculiarities of the use of Internet marketing in the market of IT technologies/ L. Petrenko, V. O. Nizhegorodtsev, A. V. Dubinina // Collection of scientific works of the State Tax University: electronic scientific edition (category B) [ Electronic resource] / ch. ed. T. Payentko; State Tax University.2023. No. 1. — P.49-62. Access mode:
- Nizhegorodtsev V.O. Professional competence of future specialists of the State Fiscal Service in the conditions of the information society / V.O.Nizhegorodtsev // Humanitarian Bulletin of the Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi State Pedagogical University named after Grigory Skovoroda - Appendix 1 to Vol.35. Volume VII (58): Thematic issue "Higher education of Ukraine in the context of integration into the European educational space."- K.: Gnosis, 2015. - P. 417 - 424.
- Nizhegorodtsev V.O. Technological processing of economic information in the training of future specialists of the fiscal service / V.O. Nizhegorodtsev // Collection of scientific works: Scientific notes of the Rivne State Humanitarian University. – Issue 12(55).- Part 2. - Rivne-Kyiv: Millennium, 2015. - P.535-543.
- Nizhegorodtsev VO Media of business processes optimization with the ERP-system "GALAXY" in training specialists of financial and economic profile / VO Nizhegorodtsev, VYSvyrydenko // Humanitarian Bulletin of the Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi State Pedagogical University named after Grigory Skovoroda - Appendix 1 to Vol.36. Volume IV (64): Thematic issue "Higher education of Ukraine in the context of integration into the European educational space."- K.: Gnosis, 2015. - P. 350-358.
- Nizhegorodtsev V.O. The use of applied information and analytical resources in the course of training future specialists in economic specialties / V.O. Nizhegorodtsev, O.V. Ponezhko // Scientific notes /ed.col.: V.V.Radul, S.P.Velichko et al.– Issue 141. Part II. – Kirovohrad: RVV KDPU named after V. Vinnichenko.2015. - P. 75-79.
- Odinets V.A. Computer monitoring, analysis, modeling and forecasting of the needs of the branches of the national economy of Ukraine in the training of specialists by universities / V.A. Odinets, V.O. Nizhegorodtsev, // Global and national economic problems [electronic scientific publication]. - - No. 6. - P. 26-29. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:
- Nizhegorodtsev V.O. Informational and analytical study of employers' requests regarding specialists of the economic profile in the use of professional computer applications / V.O. Nizhegorodtsev // Physical and mathematical education: scientific journal. – 2017. – Issue 1(11). - P. 75-79.
- Nizhegorodtsev V.O. The monitoring evaluation of the offer and demand for specialists of economic profile / VO Nizhegorodtsev // Actual problems of the economy. No. 4 (190) 2017. – P. 143-148.
- Bertash M.I. Information and analytical technologies as a monitoring tool in the professional and psychological selection of employees of the state customs service/
- M.I. Bertash, V.O. Nizhegorodtsev // All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Journal "Director of School, Lyceum, Gymnasium" - Special thematic issue "Higher Education of Ukraine in the context of integration into the European educational space». - No. 2. - Book3. – Volume I (88). - K.: Gnosis, 2020-2021, -S.240-248.
- Theoretical and methodological foundations of computer knowledge bases in economics: monograph / SR.P.Rippa, O.V. edych, I.D.Pogorelovska and others – Irpin: UDFSU, 2021. – 170 p.(co-authored)
- The financial space of Ukraine in the conditions of globalization and deglobalization transformations: a monograph / by Nauk.ed. Dr. Econ. Sciences, professor, honored worker of science and technology of Ukraine S. V. Onyshko. – Irpin: State Tax University, 2023. – 686 p. (Personal contribution - 1.59 printed pages) Information systems and technologies for managing socio-economic processes in sectors of the economy: Collective monograph. Riga, Latvia : Baltija Publishing, 2023. 276 p.
Educational and methodical manuals
- Economic informatics: a study guide/ V. A. Odinets, T. V. Ratushnyak, O. V. Gladchenko, Nizhegorodtsev V.O., Podenezhko O.V.- 2 ed., add. - Irpin: University SFS of Ukraine. -2018.- 204 p. (Personal contribution - 1.85 d.a.)
- Economic informatics: a course of lectures / O. V. Gladchenko, V. O. Nizhegorodtsev, V. A. Odinets, O. V.
- Podenezhko, T. V. Ratushnyak. – Irpin: University of the Federal State of Ukraine, 2021. – 430 p. (Personal contribution - 3.9 printed pages)
- Ratushnyak T. V. Information systems and technologies: workshop: study guide / T. V. Ratushnyak, O. Nizhegorodtsev, O. V. Gladchenko. – Irpin: University of the Federal State of Ukraine, – 180 p. (Personal contribution - 2.72 printed pages)
Articles in foreign publications:
- Sadivnychyi, O. Bondarenko, I. Zhylenko, V. Nizhehorodtsev, N. Prokopenko, I. Kucherenko. The influence of computer technology on the development of interactive teaching methods for students // Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (JATIT) [English edition]- Vol.99. No. 4, 28th February 2021 - p.849-8Available online at: ISSN Print: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195.
- Sadivnychyi, O. Bondarenko, I. Zhylenko, N. Prokopenko, I. Kucherenko, The development of interactive teaching methods for students using computer technology// International Journal of Management (IJM) [electronic scientific publication]. - Volume 11, Issue 6, June 2020 - 1002- 1011.Article ID: IJM_11_06_088.Available online at Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510 DOI: 10.34218/IJM.11.6.2020.088.
- Nizhegorodtsev V.O. The information and analytical providing in public governance and administration/ V.O. Nizhegorodtsev, A.O., Necheporenko // School of Economics and Management in Public Administration in Bratislava – Bratislava, 2019. – р.87-92.
Patents (author's):
- Certificate No. 118212 dated 04/18/2023 on registration of copyright for the work Educational manual "Information systems and technologies: practicum" (authors: Tetyana Volodymyrivna Ratushnyak, Vladyslav Oleksandrovych Nizhegorodtsev, Oksana Viktorivna Gladchenko).
- Certificate No. 118213 dated 04/18/2023 on the registration of copyright for the educational work "Economic Informatics: a course of lectures" (authors: Tetyana Volodymyrivna Ratushnyak, Vladyslav Oleksandrovich Nizhegorodtsev, Oksana Viktorivna Gladchenko, Volodymyr Andreyovych Odinets, Oleksandr Vasylyovych Podenezhko).
- Certificate No. 202307439 dated 10/19/2023 on registration of copyright for the work "Digital toolkit of the personnel component of the enterprise's economic security system" (authors: Nizhegorodtsev Vladyslav Oleksandrovich, Petrenko Lyudmila Mykolaivna).
- Certificate No. 202307438 dated 10/19/2023 on the registration of the copyright for the work "Digital toolkit of the personnel component of the enterprise's economic security system" (authors: Lyudmila Mykolaivna Petrenko, Oleksandrovich Nizhegorodtsev, Anastasia Dubinina Vladyslavivna).
- Certificate No. 202307437 dated 10/19/2023 on the registration of copyright for the work "Informational and analytical research of employers' requests regarding the use of professional computer applications" (author: Nizhegorodtsev Vladyslav Oleksandrovych). During the period of scientific work, more than 150 publications were published, including a study guide -4, a patent of Ukraine _5__, more than 15 - professional scientific articles, of which _2_ in journals indexed in international scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science; more than 20 - scientific and methodological developments, more than 50 - theses of international and All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences and symposia.
Teaches disciplines:
Economic informatics, Information systems and technologies in Management, Information Systems and technologies in Public Administration, Information Systems and Technologies in Legal Practice, Legal informatics, Information Systems and Technologies in international business, Web technologies and Web design, Computer circuitry and computer architecture, Information Systems and Technologies of the Fiscal Service, Customs information technologies, Computer circuitry and computer architecture etc.
Participation in international projects:
Advanced training (certificates):
- Educational and scientific center of innovative educational technologies and regional training of the State Fiscal Service University of Ukraine. Certificate of advanced training SS40233365/524-19 for scientific and pedagogical workers in the professional and pedagogical activity "Technology of distance course development. Modern educational technologies" at the University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine from 06/21/2019 - 144 hours. Project "Action".
- Electronic certificate of passing the test on the national online platform Digital Education "Cyfrogram 2.0"
- Electronic certificate after successful completion of the course. Certificate NoD0000719472 – level C1.
- Educational and methodological center of vocational and technical education in Zaporizhia region
- Course " for a modern teacher" 06/04/2022 - 06/07/2022 Certificate of completion of the distance course " for a modern pedagogical worker" No. 6852 dated 06.07.2022.- 30 hours
- Certificate of qualification improvement on the topic "Peculiarities of the implementation of mixed education in institutions of pre-higher and professional education in wartime conditions" Certificate No. 3402/22Д dated 05/19/2022.- 6 hours
- Course "Research methods. Introduction" by the European Academy of Sciences and Research.10.06.2022Certificate of completion of the course "Research methods. Introduction" by the European Academy of Sciences and Research Certificate No. XV-16-293849248-22 dated June 10, 2022 - 8 hours.
- Course "Being a scientist" by the European Academy of Sciences and Research.05/17/2022 -05/19/2022Certificate of completion of the course "Being a scientist" by the European Academy of
- Sciences and Research Certificate No. XI-12-190293846-20 dated May 19, 2022 - 10 a.m.
- Course "Digital tools for visualization of educational material" from September 19, 2022.Certificate of completion of the distance course "Digital tools for visualization of educational material" Certificate No. 6930 dated September 19, 2022.- 30 hours
- "Academy of Digital Development" LLC Google Digital Tools Passing improvement courses qualifications "Google Digital Tools for Education" for basic (30 academic hours) Certificate NoGDTfE-06-Б-02137 dated January 15, 2023;
- Google Digital Tools Passing improvement courses qualifications "Google Digital Tools for Education" for intermediate level (15 academic hours); Certificate NoGDTfE-06-С-00521 dated January 22, 2023.
- Google Digital Tools Passing improvement courses qualifications "Google Digital Tools for Education" for advanced level (15 academic hours). Certificate NoGDTfE-06-P-01229 dated January 29, 2023;
- "Academy of Digital Development" LLC took part in the seminar "Google for education solutions for the automation of evaluation and - formation of final documents and reports" (2 academic hours). Certificate No. TSIRAOPD-1036 dated January 16, 2023;
- Participation in the online conference "Google's digital tools for education. Advantages of the unified Workspace system for Ukrainian education" (2 academic hours).Certificate No. KGfE-01091 dated November 10, 2022;
- "Academy of Digital Development" LLC Completed courses "Chromebooks for Educators" Certificate No. 140003254 dated January 24, 2023;
- Participation in the webinar "Google Digital Tools for Education" (2 academic hours). Certificate No. GDTfE-BKZ-01119 dated January 16, 2023;
- Educational and methodological center of vocational and technical education in Zaporizhia Region the program of the training course "Digital tools of gamification of the educational process" was completed, which was developed on the basis of modern state educational policy and strategy of reforming the educational process, in particular the Law of Ukraine "On Education". Certificate of passing the distance course "Digital tools of gamification of the educational process" Certificate No. 7334 dated 12/27/2022.- 30 hours;
- Participation in the International Scientific Internet Conference "The world of scientific research. Issue 16" with a publication on the topic: "TRANSFORMATION OF MODERN DIGITAL DESIGN" Form of participation: remote, conference duration 18 hours 0.6 ECTS credits; successfully tested module 1. Cryptoliteracy and Blockchain on the National Digital Literacy Online Platform. Electronic certificate #T0046892783 dated March 16
- Guest Lecturer: "Pedagogy is my life" and received the participant's certificate No. 0303202495 lasting 2 hours. The date of the event is 03.03.2023.
- Passing a master class "Digital tools for visualization of educational material" dated September 19,
- 2022.Certificate of passing the distance course "Digital tools for creating interactive
- presentations" Certificate No. 7905 dated 04/05/2023.- 10 hours Internship
- Institute of International Academic and Scientific Cooperation Abroad internship under the program: "European educational project "Academic Integrity: Challenges of Modernity"" supported by Certificate KW-062020/028 dated 06/19/2020, Warsaw, Poland - 180 hours.
- Acknowledgment of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Information Technologies of the SFS University of Ukraine, 2016;
- Acknowledgment of the University of the SFS of Ukraine, 2016;
- Certificate of honor of the University of the SFS of Ukraine, 2017;
- 2018 diploma of the University of the SFS of Ukraine;
- 2019 diploma of the University of the SFS of Ukraine;
- Certificate of honor of the University of the SFS of Ukraine 2019;
- Honorary certificate of the State Tax University 2022;
- Acknowledgment of the Executive Committee of the Irpin City Council 2023
Reception of visitors:
Online communication (link to the Google form for making an appointment) -
office 415, e-mail: