State Tax University

On 5 June 2023, acting Rector of the State Tax University Dmytro Serebryansky held a working meeting with representatives of American University Kyiv (AUK), which was attended by AUK President Dan Ric...

From 15 February to 10 May 2023, Stephen Humphreys, a practicing attorney and professor at the University of Alabama (USA), delivered a series of online lectures on corporate law for law students.

On 26 May 2023, at the initiative of the Student Parliament of the State Tax University, a communication event of student parliaments of domestic and foreign higher education institutions - "European...

From 27 February to 3 March 2023, the Brandenburg University of Finance in Königs-Wusterhausen hosted a project week, which was also joined by a group of students from the Tax University with a presen...
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