The signing of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU is an important step towards European integration of Ukraine, which stipulates amending national legislation according to the EU standards and requires highly educated professionals in the customs sector. The main task of the module "EU Customs Law" is training Ukrainian customs experts to meet the requirements of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, international conventions and joint programs of the EU and the Ukrainian government.

This module is aimed at improving the existing educational program "Customs security" in the framework of the bachelor's degree education at the State Tax University in Irpin, Kyiv region. It will allow future customs officers to gain professional competencies in the field of EU customs law and to acquire practical skills applicable on the national level. It will not only strengthen the integration potential of Ukraine to the EU, but also accelerate positive changes in the state and help to overcome the stagnation of the customs sector.

This course will increase the number of qualified experts in the protection of customs interests, promote the implementation of the EU customs standards in Ukraine and unification of the customs rules, facilitate improvement of the customs risk management procedures, cooperation with the EU customs services, fight against smuggling, as well as collaboration with government agencies, business and higher education institutions of Ukraine.

The project will have a long-term impact since it will be continued after the termination of the grant support. In addition to the module of the educational program "Customs security" the project provides for preparation of publicly available methodological materials, holding a roundtable for promoting EU experience, publishing and dissemination of an online glossary of EU customs law terms.
The executor of the project is the STU of Irpin. COO is Petrova I.

Thematic plan

of the Module «EU Customs Law»
Erasmus + Jean Monnet 
(Grant Agreement 101083978 - EUCUSTOMSSTU)

Topic name, number of hours / Hours of lectures  Hours of seminars/
practical tasks
Number Hours of groups Name of speciality, group Total hours
Part 1 of the Module "EU Customs Law“ (General provisions. Customs prohibitions and restrictions. Customs procedures. Customs clearance. Customs control. Customs procedures. Special procedures)
1 General provisions of the customs law of the European Union
(Title 1 UCC)
4 - 1 Bachelor of law in educational of «Customs security» security»[i]  4
2 Goods brought into the customs territory of the union 
(Title IV UCC)
2 год. - 1 Bachelor of law in educational of «Customs security» 2
3 Customs procedures in the European Union
(Title VI UCC)
4 год. 2 год. 1 Bachelor of law in educational of «Customs security» 6
4 Special customs procedures in the European Union
(Art. 210, 211 UCC; Title VІІ UCC)
6 год. 6 год. 1 Bachelor of law in educational of «Customs security» 12
Part 2 of the Module ""EU Customs Law“ 
(Material Part of the customs law: Customs debt and guarantees)
5 Customs debt and guarantees
(Title IІІ UCC)
4 год. 2 год 1 Bachelor of law in educational of «Customs security» 6
Part 3 of the Module ""EU Customs Law“ 
(Material Part of the customs law: Customs tariff)

Customs tariff 

(Title IІ UZK)


Final test

8 год. 2 год. 1 Bachelor of law in educational of «Customs security» 10
  Total teaching hours 40 hours 40

* This project has been funded with support from the European Commmission under the Erasmus+ Programme. The European Commmission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commmission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein“.

** The plan and content of the module was agreed with the Educational and Research Center at the General Customs Directorate of the Federal Financial Administration of Germany, with Dr. Professor Lothar Gellert, Professor at the Higher Federal School of Public Administration in Finance, EU expert on customs tariff law (Munster, Germany), Honorary Professor at the University of Customs and Finance (Dnipro).

[i] In the case of enrollment of higher education students at the second (master's) level of higher education of the  "Legal provision  of Customs Security", to involve them in listening to the module together with bachelor's of law inedicational of «Customs Security».