State tax university
Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor Ratushniak Tetiana (Ratushnyak Tetyana) Volodymyrivna
Ratushniak Tetiana (Ratushnyak Tetyana) Volodymyrivna
Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Computer and Information Technologies and Systems
Full name in Ukrainian: Ратушняк Тетяна Володимирівна
Full name (in English): Ratushniak Tetiana (Ratushnyak Tetyana)
Scientific degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Academic rank: Associate Professor
Profiles in scientific databases
SCOPUS 315962 (6507729844) (
Google Scholar
Web of Science Researcher ID GSE-0844-2022
Field (circle) of scientific interests:
- Hamiltonian formalism in the theory of propagation of magnetoelastic waves in periodic magnetostrictive media, Digital design technologies, Mathematical modeling of balanced nutrition,
- Mathematical models of monitoring the quality of life of the population, Information technologies of the digital workplace of specialists in the fields of knowledge (Computer Science, Design, Law, Journalism, Psychology, Economics), Ecological footprint
- 1997 – graduated from Kyiv State University named after Shevchenko, specialty "Mathematics", AKI diploma No. 97007683, qualification - mathematician, teacher.
- 2006 – defended the candidate's thesis on the topic "Propagation of magnetoelastic shear waves in regularly layered magnetostrictive media, in the specialized Academic Council D 26.166.01 at the Institute of Mechanics named after S. P. Tymoshenko of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Diploma DK No. 039234, issued on January 18, 2007.
- 2015 - received the academic rank of Associate Professor, the attestation board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Certificate of Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies 12 DC No. 042266, issued on April 28, 2015.
Scientific and pedagogical activity
- 2002 - 2008 - Lecturer of the Department of Computer-integrated Technologies of the Academy of Municipal Management;
- 2008 - 2012 - Associate Professor of the Department of Automation and Computer-integrated Technologies of the Academy of Municipal Management;
- 2012 - 2021 - Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies of the National University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine;
- 2022 until now - Associate Professor of the Department of Computer and Information Technologies and systems of the State Tax University.
- 2002 - 2004 - Junior Researcher, Institute of Mechanics named after S.P. Tymoshenko of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
- 2009 - 2011 - Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics and Informatics, Institute of Tourism of the State University of Ukraine;
- 2023 – 2024 – Teacher, Irpin Vocational College of Economics and Law
Social and public activity
- Chairman of the precinct election commission for the elections of the President of Ukraine of the polling station No. 800662 of the territorial electoral district No. 220, Podilsky district, Kyiv, March 31, 2019
Main published works:
Articles in scientific professional publications:
- Shulga M.O., Levchenko V.V., Ratushnyak T.V. Application of the Hamiltonian formalism in the theory of magnetostatic waves in periodic ferrimagnetic structures // Bulletin of the Donetsk University. Ser.A. – 2002. – Issue1. – P. 136 – 140.
- Shulga M.O., Levchenko V.V., Ratushnyak T.V. Surface magnetoelastic shear waves in a periodic metal-ferrite-dielectric structure // Appl.Mechanics. – 2003. – 39, No. 11. – P. 68 – 73.
- Shulga N.A., Ratushnyak T.V. Forms of oscillatory motions of surface magnetoelastic waves of the Love type in periodic ferrite-dielectric media // Prikl. Mechanics. – 2004.-40, No.8.-P.76-83.
- Shulga N.A., Ratushnyak T.V. Shapes of volumetric shear waves in periodically inhomogeneous media // App.Mechanics.– 2005. – 41, No. 8. – P. 51-57.
- Shulga N.A., Ratushnyak T.V. Shapes of bulk magnetoelastic shear waves at the boundaries of transmission zones in a periodically inhomogeneous magnetostrictive medium // Appl. Mechanics. – 2006. – 42, No. 3. – P. 61–69.
- Shulga N.A., Levchenko V.V., Ratushnyak T.V. Propagation of magnetoelastic shear waves across layers in a periodically layered medium // Appl.Mechanics.- 2006. - 42, No. 6. - pp. 54–60.
- Shulga N.A., Ratushnyak T.V. On the shapes of bulk waves in magnetostrictive dielectrics periodically inhomogeneous media // Appl.Mechanics.- 2006. - 42, No. 7. - P. 57–63.
- Shulga N.A., Ratushnyak T.V. Volumetric magnetoelastic shear waves in periodic inhomogeneous media // Appl.Mechanics.- 2006. - 42, No. 10. — P. 13-20.
- Ratushnyak T.V., Vyshemirska J.S. The use of information technologies in socio-economic research // Theories of micro-macroeconomics. — 2009. – Issue33. – P. 97 – 102.
- Ratushnyak T.V., Vyshemirska J.S. Modern information technologies in socio-economic researches // Scientific Bulletin of the Academy of Municipal Management. "Technique" series. – 2010. –Vip.1. – P. 134 – 139.
- Ratushnyak T.V., Vyshemirska J.S. Monitoring of socio-economic development of the regions of Ukraine // Micro-macroeconomic theories. — 2012. – Issue39. – P. 98 – 104.
- Ratushnyak T.V., Odynets V.A. Modern approaches to measuring the quality of life // Scientific Bulletin
- National University of DPS of Ukraine (economics, law). — 2013. – No. 3 (62). - P. 43 - 50.
- Town Hall T.V. Modern approaches to measuring the quality of life of the population // Theories of mmicro- acroeconomics. — 2013. – Vol.41. – P. 92 – 100.
- Town Hall T.V.The use of cloud technologies and social networks for monitoring the external evaluation of the performance of executive authorities [Electronic resource] // Electronic scientific publication "State Administration: Improvement and Development".- 2014. - No. 7. URL:
- Town Hall T.V. Monitoring the quality of life of the population [Electronic resource] // Electronic scientific publication "Public administration: improvement and development». – 2014. - No. 10. URL:
- Ratushnyak T. V. On the use of cloud technologies and social networks for monitoring the external assessment of the effectiveness of executive authorities / T. V. Ratushnyak, O. V. Gladchenko // Collection of scientific works of the National University of the State Tax Service of Ukraine. - 2014. - No. 2. - P. 171- 177.- Access mode:
- Ratushnyak T. V. Monitoring of public procurement by means of the DoZorro platform / T. V. Ratushnyak // Economic Herald.Series: finance, accounting, taxation. – 2018. – No. 2. – P. 162–168.
- Gladchenko O., Ratushnyak T., Bespartochna O. Modern information and communication technologies to ensure quality distance learning // Theory and practice of managing social systems. Section: Information technologies and training tools in the professional training of future specialists. - 2022. - No. 2. - P. 76-91.doi: 10.20998/2078-7782.2022.2.06
- Town Hall T.V.A mathematical model of a balanced diet with a calorie deficit based on the extended
- Mifflin-San Geor method [T.V. Ratushnyak, O.V. Gladchenko, A.A. Omelchuk, Ya.S. Vyshemirska] // Applied issues of mathematical modeling, 2022. - No. 2 Volume 5, - P. 58-67. DOI:
- Town Hall T.V. The level of well-being in the countries of the Visegrad Group according to various estimates [T.V. Ratushnyak, O.V. Gladchenko, A.A. Omelchuk, Ya.S. Vyshemirska] // State administration: improvement and development. - 2023. - No. 8. URL:
- Town Ratushnyak T. V. The technology of creating a virtual spherical 3d panorama for the Facebook social network [T.V.Ratushnyak, O.V.Gladchenko, A.A.Omelchuk, Ya.S.Vyshemirska] //Applied problems of mathematical modeling, 2023. - No. 1, Volume 6, - P. 124–133. DOI:
- Theoretical and methodological foundations of computer knowledge bases in economics: monograph / Rippa S.P., Pogorelovska I.D., Redych O.V.etc.; under the editorshipS.P.rips– Irpin: UDFSU, 2021. – 170 p.
Educational and methodical manuals
- Basics of work in the Excel program. Practicum/ T.V. Ratushnyak, J.S. Chaika - Kyiv: AMU publishing house, 2003. – 100 p.
- Use of the Visual BASIC language in MS Office programs. Methodical manual / [T.V. Ratushnyak, J.S. Chaika, Tkachova N.O.]. - Kyiv: AMU publishing house, 2004. – 60 p.
- Informatics workshop using MS Office 2010: teaching.manual/ [V.A. Odynets, O.I. Mostipan, O. V. Gladchenko and others].- Irpin: Publishing House of the National State University of the Tax Service of Ukraine, 2014. – 538 p.
- Informatics and computer technology: workshop / [V.A. Odynets, O. V. Gladchenko, T. V. Ratushnyak etc.].- Irpin: Publishing House of the National University of the DPS of Ukraine, 2015. - 394 p.
- Information systems and technologies in legal practice [Text]: training.manual/ Town Ratushnyak T. V. [etc.] ;Govt. fisk. Service of Ukraine, State Universityfisk. services of Ukraine. - Irpin: SFS
- University of Ukraine, 2017. - 295 p.: fig., tab.- (Series "To help a student of UDFSU").
- Programming in JAVA language: workshop: study guide / Ratushnyak T. V. – State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, State Fiscal Service University of Ukraine. - Irpin, 2017. - 212 p.
- Economic informatics: practicum [Text]: teaching.manual/ V. A. Odinets [etc.] ; in generaled .Ph.D. economyof Science, Assoc.V. A. Odintsia; State Universityfiscalservices of Ukraine.- Kind.2nd, add.- Irpin: SFS University of Ukraine, 2018. - 203 p.: fig., tab.- (Series "To help a student of UDFSU"; vol. 19).
- Economic informatics: a course of lectures / O.V. Gladchenko, V.O. Nizhegorodtsev, V.A. Odynets, O.V.
- Podenezhko, Ratushnyak T. V – Irpin: University of the SFS of Ukraine, 2021. 430 p.
- Information systems and technologies: workshop: study guide / T.V.Ratushnyak, V.O. Nizhegorodtsev, O.V. Gladchenko.– Irpin: University of the Federal State of Ukraine, 2022. – 180 p.ISBN 978-966-337-663-9
Articles in foreign publications:
- Information technologies of banner advertising on the Internet // Scientific works "Problems of implementation of information technologies in the economy of v-4 countries".- Bratislava, Vysoká škola ekonómiea manažmentu public administration in Bratislava .– 2019. – P. 151–157.
Certificates of copyright registration for the work:
- No. 118211 dated 04/18/2023 (Educational manual "Programming in the JAVA language: workshop")
- No. 118213 dated 04/18/2023 (Study guide "Economic informatics: lecture course")
- No. 118209 dated 04/18/2023 (Article "Monitoring of public procurement by means of the Dozorro platform")
- No. 118210 dated 04/18/2023 (Article "Use of cloud technologies in socio-economic studies of economic direction")
- No. 118212 dated 04/18/2023 (Study guide "Information systems and technologies: workshop")
- No. 116028 dated 01/23/2023 (Scientific work "Comparative analysis of ways to increase the bandwidth of fiber-optic linear paths when using TDM, WDM, UDWDM and soliton systems technologies")
- No. 119825 dated 16.06.2023 (Article "Modern information and communication technologies for ensuring high-quality distance learning")
- No. 119826 dated 16.06.2023 (Article "On the use of cloud technologies and social networks for monitoring the external evaluation of the effectiveness of the work of executive authorities")
During the period of scientific work, 75 publications were published, including 9 textbooks; 21 – professional scientific articles, of which 10 are in journals indexed in international scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science;1 – monograph, 43 – theses of international and All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences and symposia.
Teaches disciplines:
- Information systems and technologies,
- Cross-platform programming,
- Computer Graphics,
- Technologies of digital design,
- Information systems and technologies in legal practice,
- Legal informatics,
- Web programming,
- Economic informatics,
- Modern information technologies in scientific activity,
- Information resources and modern databases on economic issues
Advanced training (certificates):
- Diploma of the "Accountant-Economist" course, issued on March 23, 2000 at the "Terra" Training Center, No. 3768, 92 hours.
- Certificate of advanced training "Registration and accounting of taxpayers in the LPS authorities", issued on October 20, 2012 at the Institute of Postgraduate Education, 12SPK 819879
- Certificate of completion of the Polish language course (Level A1), organized by the Association of Poles in Kyiv, 17/01/2015, No. 247, 48 hours
- QD Professional" certificate issued on November 20, 2015 by the development company "NTF INTES Ltd."
- "Programming Basics" certificate, issued on 11.09.16 at Brain Academy, #0749
- "Fundamentals of Java Programming" certificate issued on 04/07/2017 through the Prometheus massive open online course platform. The authenticity of this certificate can be checked at
- Certificate "Fundamentals of information security", issued on 07.11.2017 by the technical director of Zillya! Anti-virus by Oleg Sych through the platform of massive open online courses Prometheus. The authenticity of this certificate can be verified by following the link
- Certificate "Access to public information: from A to Z", issued on 04/24/2021 through the platform of massive open online courses Prometheus. The authenticity of this certificate can be verified by following the link
- Certificate "Digital Communications in the Global Space", provided on 06.01.2021 through the platform of massive open online courses Prometheus. The authenticity of this certificate can be verified by following the link
- Certificate "Creation of a virtual quest room", issued on 16.01.2021 LLC "IT Data Center", # 21/1884, 0.1 ECTS credit
- Certificate "International registries: how to search and find", issued on 01.10.2021 through the platform of massive open online courses Prometheus. You can check the authenticity of the certificate by following the link:
- State certificate of proficiency in the state language, UMD N 00067248, Decision of the National Commission for State Language Standards from "30" 11 2021 N 312
- Certificate "Google Digital Tools for Higher Education", issued on June 23, 2022 by "Academy of Digital Development" LLC (Identification code of legal entity 43109490), TSIVO-0446
- Certificate of successful completion of the course "Fundamentals of Web UI Development 2022" (15 hours), issued on 04/06/2023 through the platform of massive open online courses Prometheus. You can check the authenticity of the certificate by following the link:
- Certificate No. 94-n dated May 15, 2023 on advanced training at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (180 hours/ 6 ECTS credits)
- Certificate of successful completion of the course "Distance learning tools in the system of training specialists in design and fine arts" and advanced training at the private institution of higher education
- "Art Academy of Contemporary Art named after Salvador Dali from 10/21/2022 to 12/09/2022 (in the scope 60 hours/ 2 ECTS credits), ESNoBO29/22 dated December 9, 2022
- certificates, acknowledgments of the State Tax University
Responsibilities (areas of activity):
- teaching academic subjects,
- management of the scientific student group "TEH",
- appointed by the decision of the Department of Computer and Information Technologies and Systems dated August 29, 2023, protocol No. 1
Reception of visitors:
Monday: 09:00 - 12:00. Online communication (by appointment)
office 403, e-mail