State tax university
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Redych Oleksandr Volodymyrovych
Redych Oleksandr Volodymyrovych
Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Computer and Information Technologies and Systems
Full name in Ukrainian: Редич Олександр Володимирович
Full name (in English): Oleksandr Redych
Scientific degree: Candidate of Economic Sciences
Academic rank: Associate Professor
Profiles in scientific databases:
Web of Science Researcher ID: ID: F-9723-2016:
Google Scholar:
The sphere (circle) of scientific interests
- Artificial intelligence technologies;
- Machine learning technologies;
- Information and analytical technologies of financial institutions;
- WEB3;
- IoT;
- Big Data.
- 1981 graduated from Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, specialty "Information and measurement technology";
- 1998 graduated from Kyiv National University of Economics, Specialization - "Finance and credit";
- 2003 defended candidate's thesis on the topic "Modeling and computerized decisionmaking support in tax administration" at the specialized Academic Council of the Kyiv National University of Economics.
- 2005 the attestation board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine awarded him the academic title of associate professor of the department of computer and information technologies and systems.
Scientific and pedagogical activity
- 1987-1997 - Lecturer, the Head of the Department of Machine tools with numerical software control, Irpinsky Industrial College;
- 1997-2003 – the Head of the Department of Computerization of the Center for retraining and advanced training of personnel for the SFS of Ukraine, Academy of the SFS of Ukraine;
- 2003 - 2005 – the Head of the Department of Information technologies in taxation of the Center for retraining and advanced training of personnel for the SFS of Ukraine, Academy of the SFS of Ukraine;
- 2005 - 2016 - Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration of the Institute of Postgraduate Education, National University of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences;
- 2016 - 2018 - Associate Professor of the Department of Intelligent Controllers and Computing Systems of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Information Technologies, State Federal Service of Ukraine University;
- 2018-2019 – the Head of the Department of Intelligent Controllers and Computing Systems of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Information Technologies, University of the SFS of Ukraine;
- 2019 - 2021 - Associate Professor of the Department of Intelligent Controllers and Computing Systems of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Information Technologies, University of the Federal State of Ukraine;
- 2021 until now - Associate Professor of the Department of Computer and Information Technologies and Systems, the State Tax University.
Social and public activity
- Member of the Trade Union Committee of the State Tax University. The Head of the Professional Group of the Faculty of Finance and Digital Technologies;
- Member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Finance and Digital Technologies;
- 2010-2011 consultant of the Department of Development and Modernization of the State Tax Service of Ukraine.
- 1999 received the special title of tax service advisor of the 2nd rank.
Main published works:
Articles in scientific professional publications:
- Redych and R. Boichuk. Comparative Analysis of Holt-Winters Algorithms on the Oracle Machine Learning Platform // Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT. Volume 12, Issue 1, pp. 71-77. (; PPN 1884680062) (SCOPUS)
- Redych O. V. The Maturity of Open Data of Ukraine, the Visegrad Four Countries and Candidate Countries EU members. Comparative analysis and prospects // International scientific journal "Internauka". Series: "Economic Sciences». - 2023. - No. 5.
- Rzhavska A.V., Redych O.V. Overview of support systems for special communication processes and information protection//Science online: International electronic scientific journal - 2021. - No. 11. –
- Redych. O.V. Simulation modeling of the impact of tax pressure on the activities of newly created small businesses enterprises.International scientific journal "Internauka" // No. 8 (88), 2 volumes, 2020. - P.48-50.
- Redych. (2019) Decision-Making in the Management of the Tax Authorities on the Basis of Integrated Performance Indicators. International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Economy. 3(23). doi: 10.31435/rsglobal_ijite/ 30.04.2019/6454. С.32-40.
- Redych O.V. Management of the tax office based on key performance indicators // USFSU. Economic Herald. Series: Finances, accounting, taxation. Issue No. 2, 2018. – P.169-177. DOI:
- Theoretical and methodological foundations of computer knowledge bases in economics [Text]: monograph / [Rippa S. P., Pohorelovska I. D., Redych O. V.etc.]; in generaled.S. P. Rippa;- Irpin: UDFSU, 2021. - 170 p.ISBN 978-966-337-620-2.
Articles in foreign publications:
- Oleksandr Redych. (2019). Decision-Making in the Management of the Tax Authorities on the Basis of Integrated Performance Indicators. International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Economy. 3(23). doi: 10.31435/rsglobal_ijite/30042019/6454. С.32-40. Numer KRS: 0000672864; REGON: 367026200; NIP: 5213776394 Warsaw, Poland.
Educational and methodical manuals
- Redych O.V. Information and analytical technologies in taxation. Study guide / O.V. Radish– Irpin: University of the Federal State of Ukraine, – 2019. – 438 p. (Series "tax and customs affairs in Ukraine, vol. 127) 25.3 printed sheets.
- The SQL language. Formation of requests to ORACLE databases: educational and methodological manual/ O.V.Redicha- Irpin: NUDPSU Publishing House, 2013. - 124 p. Modernization of the State Tax Service of Ukraine: Educational and methodological guide for distance course students. Ninth edition, corrected and supplemented / Nakai A.I., Redych O.V., Pogorelovska I.D.etc.According to general ed. V.L. Zhuravskyi. – Irpin, Publishing House of NU DPSU, 2013. – 197 p. Author's 1.5 printed sheet.
- Nakai A.I. Reforming the tax system under the conditions of implementation of the Tax Code of Ukraine. / Nakai A.I., Zhuravskyi V.L., Kasyanenko M.M., Pogorelovska I.D., Redych O.V. and Others (2012, version 2) Electronic study guide [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:'s 2 Dr. sheets. (Grif. MES).
- Information technologies in value added tax administration. Education manual for Students higher education closing/ Melnyk P.V.O. V. Redych, S. P. Rippa, etc. - Irpin: National Academy of the SFS of Ukraine, 2004. - 342 p. Author's 7 Printed sheets.
- During the period of scientific work, 91 publications were published, of which 81 were of a scientific nature (1 monograph, 17 textbooks and training manuals), 18 articles in specialized publications, 44 abstracts of conferences, 1 scientific report as a consultant of the DPS of Ukraine) and 10 of an educational and methodological nature.
Teaches disciplines
- Big data and machine learning; Artificial neural networks in the analysis of economic data; Information and analytical technologies of financial institutions; Theory of decision-making; Computer networks; Multiservice technologies of information systems; Organization of databases and knowledge.
Participation in international projects
- 2007 - the Cisco Academy International Educational;
- 2017 - the Oracle Academy International Educational Partnership Program;
Advanced training (certificates):
- 2021 - Certificate of Completion of the Prometeus Course "Machine Learning", 4 weeks, 32 hours.;
- 2020 - Certificate of the Ministry of Digital Transformation on completion of the "Open Data" intensive, 8 hours;
- 2020 - Oracle Academy “Java Programming” instructor certificate, 30 hours;
- 2020 - Oracle Academy certificate "Linux Basics", 8 hours;
- 2020 - Cisco Academy "BigData@Analytics" course instructor certificate, 70 hours;
- 2019 - Certificate of completion of Oracle Academy instructor courses "Database Design and Programming with SQL", 60 hours;
- 2019 - Cisco Academy Instructor Training Center at TNTU (Ternopil). Cisco Networking Academy Cybersecurity Operations instructor certificate ("Cybersecurity Analyst"), 70 hours;
- 2019 - Ternopil National Technical University, Certificate of advanced training of the state model SPK 001667. Course "Cyber security analyst", 108 hours;
- 2022 - Certificate of honor of the State Tax University;
- 2021 - "Honorary employee of the FSSU";
- 2020 - "Badge of Honor" All-Ukrainian Professional Union of State Tax Service Employees;
- 2019 - Award from CISCO management for the successful implementation of Cisco Networking Academy educational program courses in the educational process;
- 2018 - Certificate of the Executive Committee of the Irpin City Council;
- 2009, 2010, 2013 - honorary diplomas of NUSFSU;
- 2016, 2017, 2018 - honorary diplomas of the FSSU;
- 2008 - Diploma of the STA of Ukraine;
- 2004 - Badge "Honorary employee of the Tax Service of Ukraine";
- 2003 - Award "For labor achievements IV degree" (DPA of Ukraine and International rating academy "Golden Fortune");
- 2002 - Silver medal "5 years of the state tax administration of Ukraine" (DPA of Ukraine and International rating academy "Golden Fortune");
Responsibilities (areas of activity):
- The Head and accredited instructor of the Cisco Academy at the State Tax University, since 2007;
- Accredited Oracle Academy instructor, since 2017
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