State tax university
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Gorbovyi Artur Yulianovich
Horbovyy Artur Yulianovich
Professor of the Department of Computer and Information Technologies and Systems
Full name in Ukrainian: Горбовий Артур Юліанович
Full name (in English): Horbovyy Artur
Scientific degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences
Academic rank: Professor
Profiles in scientific databases
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The sphere (circle) of scientific interests
- Information technologies,
- higher education,
- management,
- adult education.
Scientific and pedagogical activity
- The State Tax University, Department of Computer and Information Technologies and Systems
Community activities:
- Member of the Board of the International Association of Universities of the Third Age (IAUTA), Toulouse, France.
- President of the Public Organization "Association of Universities of the Third Age "Klepsydra"", (Kyiv).
- Chairman of the Board of the Public Union "Association of Universities of the Third Age of Ukraine" (Kyiv).
Main published works:
- Horbovyy A., Gats B., Vyklyuk J. Methods for calculation the spatial distribution of the territory membership to the urbanized based on the hybrid neural network Journal of the Geographical Institute Jovan Cvijic SASA, 70 (2), (2020) pp. 115-128. Scopus
- Horbovyy A., Lagovskyy V., Omelchuk A. Artificial intelligence in the textile industry Applied questions of
- mathematical modelling, 10.32782/KNTU2618-0340/2020.3.2-2.11.Kherson (2020) 3(2.2), pp. 123-132.
- Horbovyy A., Resler M. Cost accounting for innovations in automated accounting systems Contemporary management problems No. 14 Finance of organizational units, Jaroslaw, PWSTE, 2019. – pp. 93-109.
- Horbovyy A. Responding to challenge: "Universities of the Third Age" in context of public governance in
- Ukraine Active Ageing Fom Wisdom to Lifelong Learning, Corso: Genoá, 2017, Carocci, Rome, 185-191.
- Horbovyy A., Piddubna L. Role of information and communication technologies in development of international cooperation Cross-border cooperation as a vector of development of small and medium enterprises of Ukraine with the V-4 countrie-2nd ISSUE // School of Economics and Management of Public Administration in Bratislava - 2017, p.117-125.
- Horbovyy A. Responding to challenge: "Universities of the Third Age" in context of public governance in Ukraine Third Age Education European, Azerbaijan, Russian and Ukraine Experience, Corso: Genoá, 2017, Carocci, Rome, p. 157-165.
- Horbovyy A., Resler M. Еconomic security in the process of innovative development of the enterprise International scientific conference ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF SLOVAKIA efficiency of public administration – small and medium-sized business –European economy Proceedings // Bratislava 9 November 2017 p.260-271.
Articles in scientific professional publications:
- Horbovyy A.Yu., Nemyrovska O.V. Application of media design technology as a tool for corporate identification of marketing communications (on the example of developing a corporate style strategy of a structural unit of the DPU) Scientific view: economics and management. No. 3 (79)/ 2022. P. 29-34.URI:
- Horbovyy A.Yu., Shovkomud O. V. Justification of the information model of the process of formation of quality parameters of linen trust Bulletin of the Kherson National Technical University - Kherson: 2015. - No. 1 (52) pp. 80-87.
- Horbovyi A.Yu., Myskovets O.V. Using social networks to promote educational services (on the example of the Volyn Institute of Economics and Management) Bulletin of the East Ukrainian National University named afterV. Dalya - Luhansk: 2013. - No. 16 (205) Part 2 p. 49-54.
- Horbovyy, I. Zablotska Unemployment overcoming as a component of population social protection Visnyk of Volyn institute for Economics and management - Lutsk: VIEM, 2012. – No.3 6-12 p.
- Horbovyy A.Yu., Kuzhelev M.O., Onyshko S.V.and othersInnovative modernization of management in conditions of global instability, State Fiscal Service University of Ukraine, Irpin-Bialystok, 2018. -303, p.266-278A.
- Horbovyy, G. Glukha, A. Khaletska, J. Prystrom, M. Resler, O. Stepaniuk Human capital as a determinant of socio-economic condition LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2016 – 147 p.
- Horbovyi A.Yu., Stepaniuk O.M., Volkova I.A. Analysis of the impact of external factors on the implementation of innovations Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports Management of Production and infrastructural development of the economic potential of Ukraine: / by general Ed. V.P. Volkov. – Zaporizhzhia: Zaporizhia National University, 2012. - 500 p.- with.223-259.
Teaching and methodical manuals:
- Horbovyy A.Yu., Lipych L.G., Stepaniuk O.M., Pogorelovska I.D., and others. Innovation management. 2-ed., ex.and add.– Irpin: University of the Federal State of Ukraine, 2019.-286 p.
- Horbovyy A., Korotun A., Nemyrovska O., Omelchuk A., Semko V., Hnatyuk S. Guide to the use of visual style.Irpin: University of the SFS of Ukraine, 2022.-37 p.
- Horbovyy A., Savytska D.I.State regulation of activity on the stock market of Ukraine. Lviv Institute of Management, Lviv Technical University, Lviv State Technical University, Lviv, LIM, Ed.6 revisions.and additional- 2008, p. 217.
- Gorbovyi A.Yu., Bulgakov V.M., Litvinov O.I.Theoretical Mechanics Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, Lutsk: Ed.-ed.VIEM department, 2008, p.528.
Articles in foreign publications:
- Horbovyy A., Gats B., Vyklyuk J. Methods for calculation the spatial distribution of the territory membership to the urbanized based on the hybrid neural network Journal of the Geographical Institute Jovan Cvijic SASA, 70 (2), (2020) pp. 115-128. Scopus.
- Horbovyy A., Resler M. Cost accounting for innovations in automated accounting systems Contemporary management problems No. 14 Finances of organizational units, Jaroslaw, PWSTE, 2019. – pp. 93-109.
- Horbovyy A., W. Bulgakow, I. Golovacz Mathematical model of the drums of a combine harvester for harvesting flax while moving over unevenness of the soil surface. Lublin Scientific Society, Technika.-2003.No. 12. pp.48-55
- modern and classical research methods: Collection of scientific papers «ΛΌГOΣ» with Proceedings of the
- V International Scientific and Practical Conference, Boston, December 22,2023. Boston-Vinnytsia: Primedia e-Launch & European Scientific Platform, 2023, p.205-212., DOI 10.36074/logos-22.12.2023.055
Patents (copyright):
- Horbovyy A.Yu., Sheremeta R.E. Combined unit for plant care Patent of Ukraine for utility model No. 93944 dated 25.03.2011
- Gorbovyy A.Yu., Bulgakov V.M., Hailis G.A. Flax harvester flail harvester Patent of Ukraine No. 82738 dated 12.05.2008
- During the period of scientific work, 240 publications were published, including 43 textbooks, 13 Ukrainian patents, 73 professional scientific articles, of which 2 were published in journals indexed in international scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science; scientific and methodological developments, - 35, theses of international and All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences and symposia - 26.
Teaches disciplines:
- "IT - project management", "Models and methods of ensuring the quality of information management solutions", "Innovative management", "Expert systems", "Simulation modeling", "Operating systems", "Risk theory", etc.
- Participation in international projects: Worked in 10 projects.
- Project manager of the System of express expertise and decision support based on methods and means of artificial intelligence in the digital economy of Ukraine.State registration number: 0120U102913.
- The head of the project-544517-Tempus-1-2013-1-IT-Tempus-JPHES Center for the Third Age Education, the project received the title "Success story".
- Participant of the project Consortium for improvement of business education in Ukraine SEUME Mastering new methods of working with corporate clients, development of training programs to order, Kyiv, Ukraine (1999) .
Advanced training (certificates):
- Head of the joint Ukrainian-German scientific research project at the Friedrich Wilhelm Rhine University in Bonn (Bonn, Germany). (1999-2001)
- "Active aging: from wisdom to life-long learning", October 4 - 6, 2016 (Genoa, Italy). International seminar “The Challenges of Modern Universities – Tradition, Innovation and Perspectives” held at Nowy Sancz School of Business-National-Louis University, April 10-15 (Nowy Sancz, Poland).
- Swedish training program "Develop your business", Swedish Institute of Management (Stockholm, Sweden (2010).
- Passed the exam on the level of mastery of the Ukrainian language, Certificate C-2.
- UDFSU University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, "Technologies of distance course development. Modern educational technologies", ss 40233365/455-21 from (180 hours), (Irpin, Ukraine).
- Internship, State Higher Technical and Economic School (Yaroslavl, Poland).
Awarded with the thanks and Diplomas of the Chairman of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission of Ukraine, with the thanks and diplomas of the Mayor of Lutsk, Sumy, Irpin, city and Regional Education Departments, Volyn Regional State Administration, an Honorary Diploma and the "Excellence of Ukrainian Education" badge - Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Orders: "For the development of education", "Leader of the industry", "For the spiritual revival of the nation", Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Volodymyr III degree, jubilee medal "25 years of independence of Ukraine", medal "For the revival of Ukraine", thanks of the European Commission for a successful project "Success story", thanks and certificates, jubilee medals of Ukrainian, Polish, Czech and Slovak universities.
Responsibilities (areas of activity):
Professor of the Department
office 404, e-mail