State tax university
Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor Skaskiv Lilia Vasylievna
Skaskiv Lilia Vasylievna
Position: Associate professor of the Department
Full name in Ukrainian: Скасків Лілія Василівна
Full name in English Skaskiv Lilia
Scientific degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Academic rank: Associate Professor
Profiles in scientific databases
Web of Science Researcher ID: AAC-7085-2019
Google Scholar:
The sphere (circle) of scientific interests
Algebra and number theory.
- 2002 - graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, specialized in "Mathematics"
- 2012 - defended dissertation thesis on the topic "Groups rich in close to nilpotent subgroups", at the specialized Academic Council of the Ivan Franko Lviv National University
- 2016 - received the academic rank of Associate Professor the attestation board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Scientific and pedagogical activity
- 2000 - 2013 - mathematics teacher at the Sambir Technical School of Economics and Informatics
- 2013 – 2021 - Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics of the National University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine
- 2021 until now - Associate Professor of the Department of Cybernetics and Applied Mathematics of the State Tax University
Main published works:
Articles in publications that are indexed in the scientometric database Scopus:
- Semko, L. Skaskiv, O. Yarovaya. Linear groups saturated by subgroups of finite central dimension //Algebra Discrete Math., 2020, Volume 29, Issue 1. Р.117–128.
- Semko, L. Skaskiv, O. Yarovaya. LEIBNIZ ALGEBRAS, HAVING A DENSE FAMILY OF IDEALS. //Carpathian Math.Publ.2020, 12 (2). P.451–460.
- Semko, L. Skaskiv, O. Yarovaya. On the derivations of cyclic Leibniz algebras. //Carpathian Math. Publ.2022, 14 (2). P.345–353.
Articles in scientific professional publications:
- Yonyk L.V. Groups with a minimality condition for subgroups that are not extensions of finite groups by means of nilpotent //Mat. methods and physical mechanical fields– 2006. – 49, No. 2. – P. 12–16. D. Artemovich, L. V. Skaskiv. Periodic solvable groups with the condition of maximality for not nearly abelian subgroups.//Applied problems of mechanics and mathematics.– 2007. – Issue 5.- P.12-16.
- M.G. Drushlyak, T.D. Lukashova, L.V. Skaskiv. Teaching future mathematics teachers to solve graph theory problems using GEOGEBRA. //Physical and mathematical education. 2019. Issue 1(19). P.35-40. Semko, L.V. Skaskiv, O.A. Yarovaya. Linear groups saturated by subgroups of finite central dimension. //Add.Nationalacad.Sciences Ukr.2019. No. 6. – R.3-7.
- Skaskiv L.V., Lagovskyi V.V.ON THE COMMUTANT OF NON-PERIODIC NON-ABELIAN GROUPS WITH A DENSE SYSTEM OF NON-PERIODIC NONABELIAN SUBGROUPS." Science and technology today": magazine.2023. No. 2(16) 2023. P.460-468.
- Yarova O.A., Skaskiv L.V.PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS FOR THE FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF FUTURE SPECIALISTS IN THE FIELD OF MATHEMATICAL EDUCATION." Herald of Science and Education (Philology Series, Pedagogy Series, Sociology Series, Culture and Art Series, History and Archeology Series"): journal.2023. No. 3(9) 2023. P. 645-655.
- Skaskiv L.V., Lagovskyi V.V.ON THE STRUCTURE OF ONE CLASS OF GROUPS UNDER THE CONDITION OF DENSITY OF NORMALITY FOR NONPERIODIC NON-ABELIAN SUBGROUPS. "Science and technology today": magazine.2023. No. 5(19) 2023. P.133-144.
- Skaskiv L.V., Paranytsia N.V., Chernobay O.B.STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF DATA USING CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES. "Science and technology today": magazine.2023. No. 5(19) 2023. P.42-49.
Teaching and methodical manuals:
- Higher and applied mathematics: a collection of exercises and problems: educational. manual/Baschuk O.Yu., Kuchmenko S.M., Skaskiv L.V., Chernobay O.B.; O.B. Chernobai; State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, State Fiscal Service of Ukraine University.- Irpin, 2019. - 76 p.
- Basic concepts of modern algebra / M.M. Semko, O.A. Yarova, L.V. Skaskiv. – Irpin: SFS University of Ukraine, 2020. – 128 p.
- Skaskiv L. V. Number theory and basic structures of modern mathematics: study guide / L.V. Skaskiv.– Irpin: University of the SFS of Ukraine, 2021. – 70 p.
- Semko M.M., Skaskiv L.V. Elements of the theory of rings and fields: a study guide. – Irpin: Editorial and Publishing Department of the State University of Ukraine, 2023. – 77 p.
- Semko M.M., Skaskiv L.V. Elements of group theory: a study guide.– Irpin: Editorialpublishing department of DPU, 2023. – 90 p.
- During the period of scientific work, 70 publications were published, of which 65 were of a scientific nature (3 – articles in publications indexed in the Scopus scientometric database, 8 – articles in specialized publications, 17 – articles in other Ukrainian and foreign publications, 37 – conference abstracts) and 5 - educational and methodical.
Teaches disciplines
- Higher and applied mathematics, Higher and applied mathematics: optimization methods and models
- Information systems and technologies in professional activity, Selected algebra and geometry questions, Elective courses in mathematics, Game theory in economics, Discrete mathematics, Numerical Methods
Advanced training (certificates):
- International scientific-pedagogical internship "Modern path of development of physical and mathematical education in Ukraine and EU countries" in the city of Wloclawek, Republic of Poland (2021).
- All-Ukrainian scientific and pedagogical training "STEM education: scientific and practical aspects and prospects for the development of the modern education system in war conditions" (October 10 - November 20, 2022).180 hours – 6 ECTS credits. Certificate No. ADV-101002-PSI dated November 20, 2022.
Responsibilities (areas of activity):
Deputy of the Head of the department for scientific and international activities.
Reception of visitors:
Tuesday: 11:00 - 15:00
office: B408, e-mail: