State tax university
D. in Economics, Associate Professor Skrypnyk Halyna Oleksiivna
Skrypnyk Halyna Oleksiivna
Position: Associate Professor
Full name in Ukrainian: Скрипник Галина Олексіївна
Full name (in English): Halyna Skrypnyk
Scientific degree: Сandidate of Economic Sciences
Academic rank: Associate Professor
Profiles in scientific databases
Web of Science ID
Google Scholar
Field (circle) of scientific interests
- Financial controlling,
- financial support of investment and innovation processes,
- financing of regional development projects,
- public finance management.
- 1999 – graduated from National Agrarian University, specialty "Accounting and Audit", qualification of economist-accountant.
- 2002 – post-graduate studies at the National Agrarian University.
- 2005, defended candidate's thesis on the topic: "Accounting and analytical support for production management of an agricultural enterprise" at the specialized Academic Council of the National Agrarian University.
- March 9, 2006, received the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences, the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine.
- June 26, 2014, received the academic rank of Associate Professor, the Attestation Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Scientific and pedagogical activity
- 01.09.2003 - 27.08.2011 - Assistant of the Department of Finance and Credit of the National Agrarian University;
- 01.10.2011 - 31.12.2012 - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Finance and Credit of the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine;
- 03.01.2013 - 13.08.2023 - Associate Professor of the Department of Finance of the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine;
- Since September 1, 2023 until now Associate Professor of the Department of Public Finance of the State Tax University.
Main published works:
Articles in scientific professional publications:
- Skrypnyk G.O., Tsyupa S.V. The trend model of the dependence of the size of GDP on revenues to the budget. Economic Forum, Lutsk National Technical University. No. 3, pp. 180-184
- G.O. Skrypnyk, G.V. Primachok. State financial control over the implementation of local budgets. Economic studies: a scientific and practical journal. Lviv, No. 3 (25) P.148-153
- Skrypnyk G.O., Shkuropatska A.I. Financial support of innovative activities in the agricultural sector. Economic studies: a scientific and practical journal. Lviv, No. 3(29). P. 78-83
- Skrypnyk G.O., Cesar V.V. Financial controlling as an integral part of the management system. Economic studies scientific and practical journal. Lviv, No. 3 (29).P. 69-74.
- Skrypnyk G.O., Turenok L.V. Financing of innovative projects of the agrarian sector of the economy of Ukraine. Economic studies scientific and practical journal. Lviv, No (30). P. 124 - 128
- Skrypnyk G.O., Kochubey O.M. Investment strategy of enterprise development. Economic studies: a scientific and practical journal. Lviv, No. 3 (33).P. 61 - 65
- Davidenko, H. Skrypnyk. Investment strategy of the enterprise and features of its formation in modern conditions. Scientific journal "Bioeconomy and agrarian business".2022. No. 3. P. 3-12
Articles in international databases Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection:
- Davydenko, H Skrypnyk, Z. Titenko, O.V. Zhovnirenko M. Modeling of the optimum level of financial provision of Ukrainian enterprises' innovative activities. Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management-GJESM. SPECIAL ISSUE, 2019. (Scopus)
- Davidenko; H. Skrypnyk; Z. Titenko. Investment attractiveness of agricultural enterprises. 20th International Scientific Conference Еconomic science for rural development 2019. 9-10 May 2019, Jelgava, Latvia.
(Web of Science Core Collection)
- Aleskerova, Y., Titenko Z., Skrypnyk, H., Grytsyna, O. Modeling the level of investment attractiveness of the agrarian economy sector. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research. 2020 Vol. 31, 4: 647-653 (Scopus)
- Boiko, I. Demianenko, H.Skrypnyk, V.Yavorska. Architectonics of financing of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine.21st International Scientific Conference on Economic Science for Rural Development (ESRD) Jelgava (Latvia may 12-15), Economic science for rural development. 2020. P. 58-63
- (Web of Science Core Collection) Educational and methodical guides, textbooks:
- Davydenko N.M., Skrypnyk G.O. Investment. Textbook K.: FOP "V.O. Yamchynskyi", 2021. 460 p.
- Davydenko N.M., Skrypnyk G.O. Project financing: educational manual.2nd type add. and processing. K.: FOP Yamchynskyi O.V., 2020. 418 p.
- Skrypnyk G.O., Podyk S.O. Public procurement: educational manual K.: FOP "Yamchynsky V.O.", 2022. 332 p.
Monographs (chapters in monographs):
- Financial support for the functioning of the agricultural sector in modern conditions. N. Davydenko, O. Gudz, L. Gutsalenko, Ye. Kaliuha, N. Prokopenko, N. Trusova and others: [Ed. by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Davydenko N.M.] Personal contribution: Тtheoretical principles of the state financial control on the use of budgetary expenditure (Р.100-115) Investment attractively: features in the agrarian economy sector (Р.165 -176) Collective monograph – Verlag SWG imex GmbH, Nürnberg, Deutschland, 2020. 280 p.
- National and world financial and economic systems in the conditions of modern challenges. N. Davydenko, L. Gutsalenko, Ye. Kaliuha, V. Pabat, Yu. Nehoda, O. Mykoliuk and others: [Ed. by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Davydenko N.M.] Personal contribution:Financial controlling in the enterprise management system (P.199-218). Collective monograph – Verlag SWG imex GmbH, Nürnberg, Deutschland, 2021. 324 p.
- Current aspects of the development of business entities in the conditions of the global economy: monogr./ for ed.T. Hrynko. Personal contribution: Financial controlling as a system of effective enterprise management (P.244-256).Dnipro: Bila K.O. Publisher, 2021. 416 p.
National and world financial and economic systems in the conditions of modern challenges:
- N. Davydenko, T. Kosova, O. Lemishko, Yu. Nehoda, T.Oliynyk and others: [Ed. by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Davydenko N.]. (Personal contribution: 2.2. Financing of projects by the state fund for Regional Development. P 195-207. Collective monograph Verlag. SWG imex GmbH, Nürnberg, Deutschland, 2022. 358 p.
Teaches disciplines:
- Finances,
- Corporate finance,
- Financial diagnostics,
- Financial resources of business clusters,
- Anti-crisis financial management.
Advanced training (certificates):
- September 17, 2020, Mykolas Romeris University Vilnius (Lithuania), No 5KV-3805 «Management, economy and finance» ECTS – 3 (108 hours).
- 05.26.2021 – 06.26.2021, LLC "PIK I K", (150 hours) National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine.NNI of continuing education and tourism SS00493706/014315-21.Management of cash flows at the enterprise, investment activities, financial planning.
- October 22, 2021, National Scientific Center "Institute of Agrarian Economy". Improving the qualifications (internship) of scientific workers (150 hours) of the institutions of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, scientific and pedagogical and pedagogical workers of higher educational institutions on issues of agrarian economy. Certificate No. 221022150.
- May 15 - August 15, 2022 International internship in the direction "Modern approaches to innovative management and its accounting and financial support" (150 hours). Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey (Certificate No. 14 dated August 15, 2022).
- January 30 - February 12, 2023, Advanced training "Google Digital Tools for Education" basic level (30 hours), (Certificate No. GDTfE-07-B-05881), "Academy of Digital Development" LLC.
- January 30 - February 4, 2023, National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine. Advanced qualification under the professional program "Public Finance Management" (60 hours), (Certificate No. PF 0068/2023), NUBiP of Ukraine.
- 01 April - 30 June 2023, University «Prof. Dr Asen Zlatarov» Burgas (Bulgaria), No 5156 «Economic and Environmental aspect of sustainable development», ECTS – 6 (180 год.), June 30, 2023.
Responsibilities (areas of activity):
- Guarantor of the educational and professional program "Finance, Banking and Insurance" for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education
Reception of visitors:
Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
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