Олександр Товкач
Мене звати Іванна Коток, я студентка першого курсу факультету податкової справи, обліку та аудиту, групи ОБ-24-1, і наразі обіймаю посаду секретаря студентського парламенту Державного податкового унів...
Skrypets Vladyslav Ihorovych – Chairman of the Student Parliament of the State Tax University since October 2013. I am a 3rd year student of the Educational and Research Institute of Law, speciality 2...
I am a 1st year student of the group OBB-23-2 of the Faculty of Taxation, Accounting and Audit, and the secretary of the Student Parliament. Becoming a member of the university's student government ha...
Provisions Regulations on Student Self-Government Bodies of the State Tax University Regulations on the Student Council of the Educational and Research Institute of Law of the State Tax University Reg...
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