The guest lecturer will be Alina Nychyk, a postdoctoral fellow in the European Policy Research Group of the Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich).
Ms. Alina defended her doctoral dissertation in politics at the University of Manchester in 2022, has a bachelor’s degree in international economics from the Kyiv National University of Economics and a master’s degree in international economic relations from the Wroclaw University of Economics. The lecturer has diverse experience working in international companies (Hewlett Packard, Dreberis consulting), public organizations and European institutions. In addition to her scientific activities, Alina Nychyk is a public activist and is engaged in issues of women’s empowerment, democracy and Ukraine’s integration with the EU. She is a member of the Professional Government of Ukraine and the Youth Security Conference.
The lecture will take place on February 12, 2025. at 2:45 p.m. on the online platform Zoom at the link.
Join us, it will be interesting!