From September 23 to 29, 2024, students from the State Tax University (STU) participated in an introductory week as part of the "Solidarity with Ukraine" project at Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa, Poland.

The participants of this international event included students: Oleksandra Ilnytska, Polina Beskorovaina, Victoria Voloshyna, Kateryna Kovaliv, Mariana Neroznak, Anna Lobach, Tetyana Chernenko, Sofia Voznyuk, Vitalina Chernets and Zlata Slavinska.

The program for the introductory week was packed and informative. During their time at Jan Dlugosz University, the students learned about the academic structure of the institution and its main educational programs. Special attention was given to opportunities for academic exchange, involvement in research projects, and prospects for international partnerships. The students participated in seminars and presentations that revealed possibilities for engaging in global academic initiatives, which contributed to their professional and personal development.

An important aspect of the visit was establishing close contact with the faculty and students of the partner university. Active communication, the exchange of ideas and experiences helped our students gain a deeper understanding of the educational process in Poland, broaden their horizons, and enrich their professional knowledge. Additionally, the STU students attended several specialized seminars dedicated to current trends in economics, finance, and law. This provided them the chance to deepen their knowledge in these fields and learn more about current challenges and opportunities in the global economy.

The week concluded with a tour of historical landmarks in Czestochowa, enriching the cultural exchange between the students of the two countries.

This event is an important step in strengthening the partnership between the State Tax University and Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa. Thanks to such international initiatives, students not only get the chance to gain new knowledge and skills, but also to develop a global mindset, which is an essential part of modern education. Participation in these projects also opens up new opportunities for collaboration in research projects, which is significant for the development of both universities.

It’s worth noting that this orientation week was organized based on the Cooperation Agreement signed between the State Tax University and Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa on June 19, 2024. The agreement reinforces the shared goals and intentions of both parties regarding the development of academic and scientific cooperation, opening new horizons for students and scholars at the State Tax University.

Ця подія є важливим кроком у зміцненні партнерських відносин між ДПУ та Університетом ім. Яна Длугоша в Ченстохові. Завдяки таким міжнародним ініціативам, студенти мають можливість не тільки здобувати нові знання та навички, але й розвивати глобальне мислення, що є невід'ємною частиною сучасної освіти. Участь у таких проєктах також відкриває двері до нових можливостей для співпраці в науково-дослідницьких проєктах, що є важливим для розвитку обох університетів.

Важливо відзначити, що цей ознайомчий тиждень був організований на підставі Угоди про співробітництво, підписаної між Державним податковим університетом та Університетом ім. Яна Длугоша в Ченстохові 19 червня 2024 року. Угода закріплює спільні цілі та наміри обох сторін щодо розвитку академічного та наукового співробітництва, що відкриває нові горизонти для студентів та науковців Державного податкового університету.