On September 18, 2024, the 10th anniversary of the HWPL Peace Summit kicked off in South Korea with around 30,000 participants. Regional peace summits will be held across various locations in 122 countries around the world, including Ukraine, by the end of this month.

That's why on September 23, the State Tax University joined the regional HWPL Peace Summit. Last year, during a roundtable discussion on political initiatives for promoting a culture of peace, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the State Tax University and HWPL. The event on September 23 was dedicated to the theme “Creating a Global Community of Peace through Interregional Cooperation,” highlighting the global movement for peace among leaders and citizens over the past decade, focusing on future strategies for global harmony.

HWPL stated that the goal of the anniversary is to analyze achievements since 2014 and discuss plans for the future. Various sessions are being held in each country at different levels to gather regional talents and create networks necessary for developing peace strategies tailored to each region, as well as to strengthen regional networks to overcome local threats to peace and activate collective potential.

Alexandra Smirnova, the Vice-Rector for Research of the State Tax University, joined the congratulatory remarks for the 10th anniversary of the HWPL Peace Summit.

The Vice-Rector expressed heartfelt congratulations to the organizers and participants of the event, emphasizing the importance of peacekeeping initiatives in today’s world. She wished everyone present inspiration, determination, and mutual support in their shared mission of strengthening peace and understanding among nations, as well as further success in implementing global projects aimed at peace education in higher education institutions.

For your information: "Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light" (HWPL) is an international non-governmental organization registered with the UN ECOSOC, headquartered in Seoul, South Korea. Through a decade of international cooperation for peace, HWPL has 500,000 members in 170 countries and implements peacebuilding projects through memorandums of agreement (MOAs) or memorandums of understanding (MOUs) with 1,014 organizations in 105 countries, including the State Tax University. The State Tax University is one of the partners in conducting HWPL’s Peace Education Teacher Training.

The trainings aim to deepen knowledge of the HWPL peace lessons curriculum, enhance skills for adapting the program for different age groups of learners, and share best practices for conducting HWPL peace education in Ukraine. The training is designed to unite efforts from the education sector to develop education in war conditions in line with modern challenges.

The training is based on the HWPL peace education textbook for schoolchildren and students. The participation of the State Tax University in the 10th anniversary of the HWPL Peace Summit aimed to strengthen international cooperation and exchange experiences in peacebuilding activities. This is an important opportunity for the university to expand its role on the international stage, promote the development of educational and scientific programs, and support dialogue between countries and cultures for building a more peaceful and stable future.