International cooperation opens new horizons for students and faculty of STU! One of the important steps towards this is the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation between the State Tax University and the University of Finance of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia (Hochschule für Finanzen NRW, Germany), which was concluded on April 28, 2023, during the official visit of STU Rector Dmytro Serebrianskyi to Germany, and since then our cooperation has been actively developing.
What have we already achieved?
The STU students have repeatedly visited the University of Finance, where they participated in practical seminars on international taxation, exchanged experiences with German colleagues, presented their own research, and improved their spoken English skills. And now we are moving forward!
Thanks to the continuation of our cooperation, STU faculty, researchers, and students can now receive articles from prestigious journals in the field of tax law every month:
- International Tax Law (IStR)
- International Tax Review (ISR)
- Intertax
- ec Tax Review
- World Tax Journal (WTJ)
- International Business Letters (IWB)
- Transfer Pricing International (TPI)
How to gain access?
Visit the STU library website.
In the "Electronic Resources" menu, select the "International Publications Materials" tab. Access is possible after registering on the library's website.
This opportunity is a great resource for your academic research!
We sincerely thank our partners from the Higher School of Finance for their support and assistance in developing academic cooperation!