Jean Monnet Module of the EU Programme Erasmus+ «Formation of a sustainable interest in the EU tax culture through the introduction of educational, scientific and communicative awareness-raising activities, which will orient Ukrainian society toward» ERASMUS-JMO-2023-HEI-TCH-RSCH (Grant Agreement № 101125984 — TIEU)

Start of the Project implementation: 01.10.2023

End of the Project implementation: 30.10.2026

Project duration: 36 months

Project budget: 30 000 euros

The Jean Monnet module "Building Sustainable Interest in the EU Tax Culture through the Implementation of Educational, Scientific and Communication Outreach Activities Focused on Ukrainian Society" is aimed at building sustainable interest among taxpayers (civil society) and representatives of public authorities and governments of Ukraine in the culture of taxation in the European Union through the introduction of a system of educational, scientific, communication and outreach activities.

The project will be implemented by the teachers of the Tax Administration Department of the Faculty of Taxation, Accounting and Audit.

Project objectives:

  • to promote the harmonization of national tax legislation with European standards in the context of Ukraine's acquisition of the EU candidate status and implementation of European integration steps;
  • to stimulate excellence in teaching and research in the field of taxation and EU tax culture;
  • to develop new competences and generate new knowledge among students and trainees who will become agents of change in the field of taxation and tax culture in Ukraine;
  • to promote dialogue in Ukrainian society between: students, postgraduates, academic staff of Ukrainian universities; representatives of public authorities, civil society and the media on the dissemination and implementation of best tax practices and traditions of the EU tax culture in Ukraine.

Main products and results of the project:

  • introduction of the courses " Taxation and the EU Common Tax Policy " and "Tax Culture of the EU Countries" into the University's educational process;
  • international scientific and practical conference, round tables;
  • publication of scientific articles;
  • dissemination of Project information on websites: State Tax University, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, the State Tax Service of Ukraine, and the Association of Taxpayers of Ukraine.

The Jean Monnet Module project "Creating a sustainable interest in EU tax culture through the introduction of educational, scientific and communication outreach activities targeting Ukrainian society" will have a long-term impact, as it will continue after the termination of grant support.

Project teams:


Iryna Prokopenko - Project manager, Lecturer, Researcher, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Tax Administration, plans, supervises and coordinates the work of all project participants;

– is responsible for the project reporting documentation - prepares and submits reports;

– develops training materials, conducts lectures, seminars, webinars on the subject "Tax culture of the EU countries";

– develops teaching materials for the distance learning course "European Approaches to Taxation and Tax Culture of EU Countries" and places them on the STU MOODLE platform;

– gives guest lectures for students of other educational institutions of Ukraine;

– provides scientific supervision of student projects;

– writes and publishes articles and abstracts at conferences;

– organises and conducts round tables, conferences, meetings, webinars, trainings, consultations.


Olha Ivanyshyna - Project leader, Lecturer, Researcher, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Acting Head of the Department of Tax Administration;

– assists the project Manager in planning, controlling and coordinating the work of all project participants: preparing documents to fulfill the terms of the project;

– develops training materials, conducts lectures, seminars, webinars on the subject "Tax culture of the EU countries";

– develops training materials for the distance course "European Approaches to Taxation and Tax Culture of EU Countries" and places them on the MOODLE platform of the State Tax University;

– gives guest lectures for students of other educational institutions of Ukraine;

– provides scientific supervision of student projects;

– writes and publishes articles and abstracts at conferences;

– organises and conducts round tables, conferences, meetings, webinars, trainings, consultations.


Volodymyr Andrushchenko - Lecturer, Researcher, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Tax Administration;

– develops methodological documentation for the discipline "Taxation and the EU Common Tax Policy";

– conducts lectures, seminars, webinars on the discipline "Taxation and the EU Common Tax Policy";

– supervises the research work of undergraduate and postgraduate students within the project;

– writing and publishing articles and abstracts at conferences.


Tetiana Tuchak - Lecturer, Researcher, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of  Tax Administration;

– develops methodological documentation for the discipline "Taxation and the EU Common Tax Policy"

– conducts lectures, seminars, webinars on the discipline "Taxation and the EU Common Tax Policy"

– gives guest lectures for students of other educational institutions of Ukraine;

– provides scientific supervision of student projects;

– writes and publishes articles and abstracts at conferences;

– organises and conducts roundtables, conferences, meetings, webinars, trainings, consultations.