On 18.06.2024 (Time: 1.00-2.20 p.m.), Iryna Prokopenko and Olga Ivanyshyna gave a guest lecture on "European approaches to taxation and tax culture of the EU countries" within the Jean Monnet Module "Building sustainable interest in the EU tax culture through the introduction of educational, scientific and communication outreach activities focused on Ukrainian society" of the European Union's Erasmus+ programme: Jean Monnet" for the students of the summer school "HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL TODAY" of the Faculty of Taxation, Accounting and Audit.

The lecturers introduced the audience to the moral and ethical aspects of building mutually beneficial tax relations between taxpayers and regulatory authorities in the EU, which are characterised by a high level of mutual understanding, professionalism and trust. During the discussion of the lecture, the participants noted that the dissemination of such experience and the implementation of successful European practices of such relations in Ukraine is extremely important for the formation of a tax culture and tax discipline in society.