Рік видання: 2020 | Митна статистика України : навчальний посібник / П. В. Пашко, О. Ю. Ушаков, В. М. Краєвський, та ін. ; Університет державної фіскальної служби України. – Ірпінь : УДФСУ, 2020. – 380 с. – (Серія «Податкова та митна справа в Україні», т. 135). | |||
Митна статистика України Автори: Пашко П.В., Ушаков О.Ю., Паянок Т.М., Остапенко Я.О., Параниця Н.В. Тип - навчальний посібник Мова - українська |
Customs statistics of Ukraine Pashko P. V., . Ushakov A.Yu, Payanok T.M., Ostapenko Ja.O., Paranytsia N.V. |
The textbook is the result of practical work of employees of the Department of Customs Information Technologies and Statistics of the State Customs Service of Ukraine and the teaching staff of the University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine. The textbook covers the main topics of the discipline "Customs Statistics" and provides an opportunity to master the necessary theoretical material on the proposed topics and to develop practical skills and abilities to process statistical information in customs. The publication is compiled according to the operational data of the State Customs Service of Ukraine and is designed for use in educational work by research and teaching staff, students of higher education, graduate students, as well as anyone interested in customs statistics and customs policy. | |||