State Tax University
13 березня 2025 року доктор юридичних наук, професор кафедри адміністрування податків Сергій Іванович Лекарь здійснив робочий візит до Новоселицького ліцею №1 Новоселицької міської ради Чернівецького...
Training programme " European Approaches to Taxation and Tax Culture of EU Countries " (for employees of the State Tax Service of Ukraine and its regional offices). The programme was approved by the d...
The work program of the discipline " Taxation and EU Common Policy " (hereinafter - the Program) provides for the training of applicants for the second (master's) level of higher education of full-tim...
The work program of the discipline " Tax Culture of the EU Countr ies" (hereinafter - the Programme) provides for the training of applicants for higher education of the first (bachelor's) level of ful...