This Friday marked a positive end to the week with a meeting between the administration of the State Tax University (STU) and first-year students from three faculties. The meeting was held in an open and welcoming atmosphere.

The goal of the meeting was to introduce the freshmen, learn about their adaptation to the academic environment, and help them feel like part of one big family — the State Tax University.

During the meeting, STU Rector Dmytro Serebriansky and the vice-rectors spoke to the students about the university’s traditions, the specifics of the educational process, and the opportunities for participating in the development of modern innovative products. Attendees learned about international activities, academic mobility, opportunities for obtaining double degrees, summer schools, and the university's speaking club. The students were also encouraged to actively participate in the scientific, social, and sports life of STU.

The freshmen had the opportunity to ask questions directly to the university administration. They were interested in topics such as international partnerships, media activities, clubs, as well as everyday life matters.

At the end of the meeting, Dmytro Mykolayovych gave some advice to the students, wishing them valuable experiences during their time at the university. He emphasized the importance of being active in the learning process, demanding knowledge from professors, engaging in discussions, and fostering dialogue.

"From now on, each of you represents the face of the university. Conduct yourselves with dignity, respect one another, and appreciate those around you who work for you," said the acting rector.