State Tax University
У зв’язку з реорганізацією Університету державної фіскальної служби України в Державний податковий університет, згідно нової структури, яка введена в дію 04.12.2021 р. створено факультет податкової сп...
In connection with the reorganisation of the University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine into the State Tax University, the Faculty of Taxation, Accounting and Audit was established according to...
Training programme " European Approaches to Taxation and Tax Culture of EU Countries " (for employees of the State Tax Service of Ukraine and its regional offices). The programme was approved by the d...
The work program of the discipline " Taxation and EU Common Policy " (hereinafter - the Program) provides for the training of applicants for the second (master's) level of higher education of full-tim...