State Tax University

We invite students of the State Tax University to attend a guest lecture on the topic: “Living abroad: Expectations and Reality.”

Нещодавно в Державному податковому університеті відбулася гостьова лекція на тему: «Професія адвоката в Канаді: виклики та можливості у міжнародній правовій практиці » .

On September 18, 2024, the 10th anniversary of the HWPL Peace Summit kicked off in South Korea with around 30,000 participants. Regional peace summits will be held across various locations in 122 coun...

On September 10-11, 2024, in the capital of the Republic of Moldova, Chișinău, the conference "Conference of the Community of Learning: Strategic Planning of PFM Trainings" took place, gathering repre...

Dear professors and students of the State Tax University, the guest lecture series by the University of Barcelona continues!
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