State Tax University

We invite you to participate in Training session on "BrightMight: Creativity Workshop which will take place on October 16 at 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m by link.

International guest lecture “The Practice of Using MAC in the Work of a Practical Psychologist”

We invite students of the State Tax University to attend a guest lecture on the topic: “Overview of the Legal System and Legal Education in Malaysia.”

The participation of DPU students in the introductory week at Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa!
From September 23 to 29, 2024, students from the State Tax University (STU) participated in an introductory week as part of the "Solidarity with Ukraine" project at Jan Dlugosz University in Czestocho...

We invite students of the State Tax University to attend a guest lecture on the topic: “Living abroad: Expectations and Reality.”

Нещодавно в Державному податковому університеті відбулася гостьова лекція на тему: «Професія адвоката в Канаді: виклики та можливості у міжнародній правовій практиці » .
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